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例句 Cadets are using football rattles to simulate gunfire because blank ammunition is too costly.空包弹太昂贵了,军校学员不得不用足球比赛时助威用的响板来模拟枪声。It was a cod documentary on what animals think of living in a zoo.这是一部模拟纪录片,讲的是各种动物怎样看待动物园里的生活。Training includes realistic simulation of casualty procedures.培训包括对急救过程的真实模拟They use computer simulation to predict weather conditions.他们使用计算机模拟预测天气情况。No model can ever be a perfect analogue of nature itself.任何模型都无法完全模拟自然本身。The scientist developed one model to simulate a full year of the globe's climate.这名科学家研制了一个模型来模拟地球全年的气候。The device simulates conditions in space very closely.这种装置逼真地模拟了太空环境。The fish will be kept in special tanks that mimic the natural currents in rivers.这种鱼要养在模拟自然河流的特殊鱼缸内。Interviews can be simulated in the classroom.在教室里可以模拟面试。Neural networks are computer systems which mimic the workings of the brain.神经网络是模拟大脑工作方式的计算机系统。They used a computer to model the possible effects of global warming.他们用计算机来模拟全球变暖可能造成的影响。The students have done mock A levels at school.学生们在学校里参加过模拟高级考试。They are trained in simulated combat.他们在模拟战斗中受训。We can accurately model the development process.我们可以精确地模拟那个发展过程。He described a simulation of the greenhouse effect.他描述了对温室效应的模拟An E-FIT of the man prompted hundreds of calls after its release on Tuesday.自从那名男子的计算机模拟画像在星期二公布以来,已有数百人打来电话。The theory will be tested by computer simulation.该理论将通过电脑模拟进行检验。The game is a simple sports sim.这是一种简单的运动模拟型电子游戏。The product employed the technology of computer emulation of human speech.这个产品应用电脑模拟真人发声的技术。She says the artist's impression is an excellent likeness of her abductor.她说这张模拟画像像极了绑架她的人。The lamp mimics natural sunlight.这种灯模拟自然日光。Police have issued an Identikit of the man they want to question.警方公布了他们想要讯问的男子的合成模拟头像。They rolled about on the Gilligan Road, simulating a bloodthirsty fight.他们在吉利根路上翻滚,模拟一场暴力厮杀。The girl sat down with a police artist to compile a Photofit of her attacker.女孩坐着和警方画像专家一起模拟拼绘攻击她的人的画像。The material simulates the look and feel of real fur.这种材料模拟了真皮的外观和触感。The program creates simulations of real-life driving conditions.该程序能够模拟真实的驾车环境。The scientist developed a model to simulate a full year of the globe's climate.那名科学家研制了一个模拟地球全年气候的模型。The effects of weathering can be simulated in the laboratory.可以在实验室里模拟风化作用的效果。Music, dramatics, singing and even mock parliaments featured regularly in the syllabus.音乐、戏剧、唱歌乃至模拟议会都是教学大纲里常见的内容。Cadets are having to use football rattles to simulate gunfire because blank ammunition is too costly.空包弹太昂贵了,军校学员不得不用足球比赛时助威用的响板来模拟枪声。He put me through a series of exercises to improve my car control. The first was to drive on simulated ice.他让我进行一系列的练习以提高我的控车能力。第一项就是在模拟冰面上驾车。The game is a simple sports sim.这是一款简单的模拟体育运动的电脑游戏。Mock trials help students perfect their legal skills.模拟庭审有助于学生们完善自己的律师技能。Cars are tested to see how much damage they suffer in simulated crashes.已经对车辆进行了测试以确定其在模拟撞车试验中会遭受多大的损坏。The chamber simulates conditions found at high altitudes.这个房间模拟高海拔地区的环境。Ask a friend to run through a mock interview with you.让朋友和你模拟一次面试。Two boys started a mock fight in the hallway.两个男孩开始在门厅里模拟打斗。




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