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词汇 communion
例句 They have limited communion with their neighbours.他们和邻居来往很少。The couple had a perfect communion of thoughts.这对夫妇情投意合。The scholar was in his study locked deep in self-communion.那学者在书房里闭门内省。The woodman spent the day in communion with nature.那樵夫整天沉醉于大自然中。The author has a vision of an emerging worldwide Christian communion.作者憧憬会有一个世界性的基督教会出现。He sat alone on the mountain, in communion with the wilderness.他独自坐在山上,融于这荒野之中。He belongs to the Anglican communion.他是圣公会的教徒。Prayer is a form of communion with God.祈祷是与上帝的一种交流方式。Most villagers took communion only at Easter.大部分村民只在复活节的时候领受圣餐。He had a great feeling of the communion between himself and the hills and lakes.他深感自己与大自然是息息相通的。We indulged in a little phatic communion and were about to part.我们东拉西扯地寒暄一阵之后,准备分手了。He lived in close communion with nature.他生活在大自然的怀抱中。He found spiritual communion with her.他觉得和她之间可以进行精神上的交流。




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