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词汇 植入
例句 Two days later, they implanted the fertilized eggs back inside me.两天以后,他们把受精卵重新植入了我的体内。Scientists hope that the insertion of normal genes into the diseased cells will provide a cure.科学家们希望在病变细胞里植入正常基因会成为一种新的有效疗法。Pregnancy begins when the fertilized egg is implanted in the wall of the uterus.当受精卵植入子宫壁时,妊娠就开始了。We could carry that one step further by taking the same genes and putting them into another crop.我们可以再进一步,把相同的基因取出来植入另一种作物。A donor egg fertilised by her husband's sperm will be implanted in her womb.一个由她丈夫的精子受精的供卵将植入到她的子宫内。The surgical implantation of iliac screws has been used successfully to correct spinal deformities.以手术方式植入髂骨螺丝钉被成功地用来矫正脊椎变形。Conception is the moment when a fertilized egg implants itself in a woman's uterus.怀孕是指一个受精卵植入子宫的时刻。The owner's name and address is stored on a microchip and implanted in the dog's body.主人的姓名和地址都储存在芯片中,然后植入狗体内。The patient's immune system rejected the transplanted heart. = The patient rejected the transplanted heart.病人的免疫系统对植入心脏有排异反应。Angioplasty with stenting relieves the chest pain known as angina.以支架植入方式进行的血管成形术可缓解心绞痛。The monkeys have electrodes implanted into the brain to measure their brain activity.这些猴子的脑中植入了电极以测量其大脑活动。The stent is inserted into a femoral artery through an incision in the groin.通过血管穿刺,支架从腹股沟处植入股动脉中。We got the dog chipped at the vet's.我们在兽医处将芯片植入狗的体内。The Japanese tried to graft their own methods onto this different structure.日本人试图将自己的方法植入这个不同的体系。Abnormalities in the heartbeat were corrected by the insertion of a pacemaker.心跳异常通过植入起搏器得以控制。The embryos were tested to determine their sex prior to implantation.植入之前对胚胎进行了检验,以确定其性别。An electronic chip could be implanted in his brain.他的大脑中可以植入一个电子芯片。The drug is surgically implanted into a woman's arm where it gradually releases the hormones into the body.这种药物被通过手术的方式植入一位女子的手臂,它会逐渐向人体释放荷尔蒙。Ventricular assist devices may be fitted in cases of severe heart failure which cannot be controlled by other means.如果有严重心力衰竭而无法用其他手段控制,可以植入心室辅助装置。Surgeons successfully implanted an artificial hip.外科医生成功地植入了一个人工胯关节。It was the first movie to feature onscreen product placement for its own merchandise.这是第一部在银幕上为自己的产品做广告植入的电影。They first implanted capsules into the animals' brains.他们首先将密封管植入动物的大脑。




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