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例句 The infection can be particularly troublesome if it affects the lungs or throat.感染的部位如果是肺或咽喉,就会变得格外棘手。I particularly liked the wooden chests and chairs.格外喜欢木箱子和木椅子。Our neighbors are being unusually friendly lately.我们的邻居最近格外友好。What makes a magnificent garden extra special?.是什么让华丽的花园格外特别?The invasion was all the more remarkable in antithesis with the peaceful statement made a few days previous to the attack.与进攻发起前数日发表的和平声明相对照,入侵格外令人瞠目。Especially after our confining journey through the canyon wall, the generator room was an awesome sight.才刚走过狭窄的峡谷隧道,发电机室看起来格外壮观。Pay special attention to how you clean the wound.你要格外注意怎样清洁伤口。When violet is added to the medium blue a particularly striking, warm coloration is created.在中蓝色中加入蓝紫色就形成了一种格外鲜艳夺目的暖色。She looked very pretty in her new dress.穿上新连衣裙,她看上去格外漂亮。The weather's been exceptionally mild.天气格外地温和。Our neighbors are being unusually friendly.我们的邻居一直格外地友好。Jim was remarkably charming this evening - he even said, unprompted, how nice Margot looked in her dress.吉姆今晚格外招人喜欢——他甚至主动赞美玛戈穿那件连衣裙很漂亮。This summer has been unusually hot in the East.今年夏天美国东部地区格外炎热。We worked extra hard.我们格外努力地工作。The problem of air pollution is especially serious in urban areas.空气污染问题在市区格外严重。Following the bomb scare at the airport, the staff have been warned to be extra vigilant.机场的炸弹恐吓事件之后,全体员工都被告诫要格外警惕。I'm going to Greece in the summer so I've got to be super slim.夏天我要去希腊,因此我要变得格外苗条才好。He had an especially bad time at boarding school.他在寄宿学校日子过得格外不开心。Some days at the store are quieter than others.店里有几天生意格外清淡。The countryside seems very quiet after the hustle and bustle of the city.与城市的熙攘喧嚣比起来,乡村显得格外宁静。Hypnosis is the deliberate inducement of a state of trance in which suggestion can be especially effective.催眠是有意引发的昏睡状态,在这种状态下,暗示会格外有效。The painting is seen to better advantage from a distance.这幅画从远处看格外好。His writings were marked by an extraordinary lucidity and elegance of style.他的作品文笔格外洗练雅致。The sunshine on the final day was a welcome bonus for the spectators.决赛当天阳光明媚,观众心情格外欢畅。He reserved particular venom for critics of his foreign policy.他对那些批评他外交政策的人格外心怀怨恨。The yacht was exceptionally stiff.这艘游艇格外平稳。Pay special attention to the last paragraph.格外注意最后一段。The media have a mania about rugby union.媒体格外青睐英式橄榄球联盟。Mary looked remarkably fetching this evening in her new dress.今晚玛丽穿了一身新衣服,显得格外动人。They were away from home, and in times of stress they felt it strongly.他们远离家人,面临压力时格外想家。He looked unusually chipper this morning.今早他看上去格外高兴。I especially like the idea of using music in the classroom.格外喜欢在课堂上使用音乐的想法。Marguerite took my hand in a surprisingly strong grip.玛格丽特格外用力地抓住我的手。The mountain was sharply defined against the eastern sky.在东方天际的衬托下,那座山的轮廓格外分明。The food on the ship is exceptionally good.船上的食物格外好吃。It is just safe, pedestrian, and colossally disappointing.给人的感觉就是四平八稳、平淡乏味,格外令人失望。She made a special effort to be helpful.格外努力地帮忙。The enamelling was exceptionally fine.这件珐琅装饰品格外精美。She was flattered by his attention.他的关注使她格外高兴。The flowers were colourful and the scenery magnificent.花朵色彩斑斓,景致格外壮观。




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