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词汇 格伦
例句 Glen's an awesome player.格伦是个很棒的球员。Perhaps it was that very oddness that attracted me to Glen's music.也许正是格伦音乐的怪异之处吸引了我。Glenn yanked out the sore tooth.格伦猛力将痛牙拔出。Turning his face away from her, Glen began to cry.格伦转过脸背着她哭了起来。Glenn has the discipline that Forman lacks.格伦有自我管制的能力,这是福曼所没有的。Glen was calm and composed at the funeral.格伦在葬礼上表现得平静而镇定。Glen Bronka wrote his own orchestral arrangements.格伦·布朗卡把自己的曲子改编成了管弦乐曲。Many years earlier, Grundy had given The Beatles their first television break.多年以前,格伦迪给了甲壳虫乐队第一次在电视上亮相的机会。Holmgren is careful not to celebrate prematurely.霍姆格伦很小心,以免庆祝得太早。The path climbs high into the hills above the village of Glenridding.这条小径通往格伦里丁村上面的山上。There's a taxi stand on Glen Road.格伦路上有个出租车站。It is no easy job to run against John Glenn, Ohio's Democratic senator.和俄亥俄州的民主党参议员约翰·格伦竞选绝非易事。Have you ever met the woman that Glen is living with?你见过和格伦同居的那个女人了吗?They went off to Glengarriff to get merry.他们出门到格伦加里夫去喝上一杯。The waiter totally ignored Glen and served a girl who had come up beside him.侍者根本不理睬格伦,转而去照应进来坐在他身旁的一位女孩子。Glennis and John announced their engagement yesterday.格伦妮丝与约翰昨天宣布了订婚的消息。This Glen bloke - is he fanciable?这个叫格伦的家伙——他性感吗?When he fouls up, Glen always finds a way to rationalize what he's done.格伦把事情搞砸的时候,总能找出辩解理由。Glen drove right into a tree and wrecked his car.格伦驾车撞上一棵树,把车撞毁了。Glen scrabbled about in the hay, pulled out a book and opened it.格伦在稻草中扒拉了一阵,抽出一本书打开。Glenn started acting peculiar after his wife's funeral.格伦在妻子的葬礼之后开始表现得很古怪。Glenn, lest the reader has forgotten, was the first American astronaut to orbit in space.提醒读者一下,格伦是第一个进入太空轨道的美国宇航员。Finally Glen could suppress his anger no longer and he lashed out at his mother.格伦终于压不住怒气,对他母亲发火了。Bernstein lost the case, but never held it against Grundy.伯恩斯坦输掉了官司,但从未因此而怨恨格伦迪。Glennon scored the deciding goal in the final minute of the match.格伦农在比赛的最后一分钟攻入了具有决定性的一球。She can fuck off back to Glenageary for all I care.她可以滚回格伦吉里去,我才不在乎呢。Grundy lost his job in the fallout from the incident.格伦迪受该事件影响丢了工作。Glen asked her out for dinner and she agreed.格伦邀请她出去吃饭,她答应了。Feinstein will win if she runs against Lungren.范斯坦如果和朗格伦竞争,将会胜选。Coghlan joined the military and served in the war.格伦参了军,上了战场。Glen treated Cathy to dinner at one of the best restaurants in town.格伦请凯茜到镇上最好的一家饭店吃晚饭。I have here at my side Mr. Glenn Williams.我身边这位是格伦·威廉斯先生。




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