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词汇 根部
例句 Club root causes swellings on the roots and the effects can range from a reduction in yields to total crop failure.根肿病会导致庄稼根部肿胀,从而导致减产甚至绝收。He carefully earthed up the roots of the newly-planted tree.他仔细地在新栽的树的根部培上土。The toenails and cuticles get the once-over and feet are moisturized.脚趾甲和趾甲根部的表皮进行了修剪清洁,脚部也做了保湿护理。A skin lotion distilled from the root is a marvellous cure for sore rashes and spots.从这种根部提取的护肤液是治疗皮疹和丘疹的极好药物。We made a small hole in the earth, just deep enough to cover the roots of the plant.我们在泥土里挖了一个小洞,深度正好足够覆盖植物的根部Pour water around the base of the plant and allow it to soak in.将水浇在植物的根部,让水渗进去。Dark green leaves are a good indication of healthy roots.深绿色的树叶充分表明树的根部状态良好。Plants take up water-soluble minerals through their roots.植物通过根部吸收水溶性矿物质。The tail feathers are dark blue at their bases, shading to pale blue at their tips.尾羽的根部呈深蓝色,到了尾尖就渐变成淡蓝色。Lean the plants against a wall and cover the roots with peat.把植物靠墙摆放,用泥煤盖住根部The horse's tail stretches three and a half feet from base to end.这匹马的尾巴从根部到尾端共三英尺半长。In valve-preserving aortic root repair an artificial graft is used to replace the damaged section of the aorta.在瓣膜保留主动脉根部重建术中,一根人工血管支架被置入,取代主动脉受损的部分。The soil provides nourishment for plant roots.土壤为植物根部提供养分。I taped the base of the feather onto the velvet.我用胶带把羽毛的根部粘在了天鹅绒上。He lamented that four years of his life had gone down the drain because of an injury to his groin.他痛惜他四年的生活就因大腿根部的伤被毁掉了。Mulch with a generous layer of peat or compost.根部覆盖上一层厚厚的泥炭或堆肥。My cuticles were split and ragged, and my nails unevenly bitten.我指甲根部的表皮龟裂粗糙,指甲被咬得参差不齐。In the roots of the olives, you could find centipedes as long as a pencil.在橄榄树的根部可以找到像铅笔一样长的蜈蚣。More air means better root growth.更多的空气意味着根部更好的生长。Dryness at the roots can occur very easily specially when plants are grown in containers.根部很容易干枯,特别是当植株被种养在盆中时。The surgeon placed catheters through the veins and arteries near the base of the head.外科医生在脑根部的静脉和动脉中放置了导管。We'll have to dig deep to get at the roots.我们得深挖才能挖到根部Take care not to disturb the root ball.注意不要破坏根部的土球。Hard rock embeds the roots.坚硬的岩石把根部卡得紧紧的。Pressure at the base of the spine can help soothe pain.对脊柱根部加压有助于缓解疼痛。She packed soil around the roots of the plant.她给植株根部封上土。




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