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词汇 标本
例句 Place the specimen on a microscope slide.标本放到显微镜载物玻璃片上。Normally specimens have to be dehydrated.标本通常需要经过干燥处理。New York is an example of a busy city.纽约是熙攘热闹城市的标本Museums will pay large amounts of money for good dinosaur fossil specimens.博物馆愿意出大价钱购买完好的恐龙化石标本The blood samples have been sent away for analysis.血液标本已送去作分析。His hobby is collecting butterfly specimens.他的业余爱好是采集蝴蝶标本Good gracious, look at that specimen will you?哎呀,你快来瞧瞧那个标本He had the deer's head stuffed.他把鹿头填满,做成了标本The specimens have been classified and mounted.标本已分类并固定在标本架上。He didn't much care for the stuffed animal heads that hung on the walls.他不是很喜欢墙上挂的那些动物头颅标本The blood smear revealed malaria.血液标本中查出了疟疾。That taxidermist displayed tremendous dexterity in making the tiger specimen looking alive.那位标本制作者展现出极致的灵巧让老虎的标本看起来栩栩如生。Scientists analysed samples of leaves taken from the area.科学家们仔细分析了从该地区带回来的树叶标本Waterton travelled to South America to collect specimens of these long-forgotten poisons.沃特顿前往南美去搜集这些早已被人们遗忘的毒物标本Dad had that big fish he caught stuffed.爸爸把他捕到的那条大鱼制成了标本There are many admiral samples in the collection.这部集子里有许多花蝶标本The specimens were mounted on slides.标本盛放在载玻片上。The room was full of stuffed animals in glass cases.那个房间里满是放在玻璃柜里的动物标本The specimens were carefully dissected and examined under a microscope.标本经过了仔细解剖,并在显微镜下观察。The differences between the two specimens are almost indistinguishable.这两个标本之间的差别几乎看不出来。She sleeps with lots of stuffed animals.她与许多动物标本睡在一起。The geologist chipped the specimen out of the rock face.地质学家从岩石表面凿下标本He found two specimens of early humans.他发现了两例早期人类的标本He has a collection of rare insect specimens.他收集了很多稀有昆虫的标本




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