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例句 Police arrested the demonstrators for committing a breach of the peace.警察以破坏和平罪逮捕了示威者。He was fined for committing a breach of the peace. 他因为扰乱治安被处以罚款。He was charged with committing a public nuisance.他被指控犯有公共滋扰罪。The hospital refused to move her, implying she was still at risk of committing suicide.医院拒绝送她走,并暗示说她仍有自杀的危险。It held him from committing his worst.这阻止了他去干最坏的事。Take a little time to think before committing yourself.答应之前先用点时间想一想。I too am committing myself to continue the fight for human rights in this country.我本人也保证继续为本国的人权事业而奋斗。Davies claimed that he did not know he was committing an offence by accessing the website.戴维斯说他不知道进入那网站是违法行为。He accused his wife of committing adultery while he was away.他指责妻子在自己外出期间与人通奸。I too am committing myself to continue the fight for justice.我本人也保证将继续为正义而战。I don't agree with the view that longer prison sentences stop people from committing crime.我不赞同刑期长就能阻止人们犯罪这种观点。We were warned that we would be committing a treasonable offence.我们受到警告说我们将会犯叛国罪。You should take a long hard look at the issues before committing yourself.你在表态之前要看清楚这些问题。After committing uxoricide, he turned himself to the police voluntarily.在杀妻之后,他主动向警方自首。He artfully inveigled the Prime Minister into committing his government to the venture.他狡猾地哄骗总理,使政府卷进这个危险的行动。They accused him of committing a sacrilege.他们指控他犯有渎圣罪。People behaved as if they were fearful of committing a faux pas.人们循规蹈矩,似乎惟恐有失检点。The army was accused of committing violations against the accord.军队被控多次违反协定。They face charges of committing crimes against humanity.他们被控犯有反人类罪。We're committing money to the task of turning the sun into energy.我们在给转化太阳能的工作拨款。The General was accused of committing crimes against humanity.那位将军被控反人类罪。Anyone committing the offence is liable to imprisonment.任何犯此罪的人都有可能被监禁。They are committing themselves to the pursuit of truth.他们致力于追求真理。The heavy penalties are designed to make people think twice before committing a crime.这些严厉的刑罚意在使人在犯罪前三思。I would advise people to think very carefully about committing themselves to working Sundays.我建议人们在应允星期日工作的问题上一定要认真考虑。He tried to feel out the positions of both sides before committing himself.在采取行动前他试图先摸清双方的立场。He fought shy of actually committing himself to undertake the work.他没有答应承担这项工作。Politicians should carefully weigh the advantages and disadvantages of committing US troops to this conflict.政治家应仔细权衡使美军卷入这场冲突的利与弊。He was not just mad, he was assaultive and on the verge of committing murder.他不仅仅疯了,而是狂暴到要杀人的地步。He stands accused of committing perjury.他被指控犯有伪证罪。I had found that rare breed of man who was not afraid of committing himself.我找到了那种不惧怕作出承诺的男人,这种男人真是少之又少。She was so unhappy that she was on the verge of committing suicide.她非常不幸,几乎要自寻短见了。You should be cautious when getting involved and test the water before committing yourself.参与其中时一定要小心谨慎,表态之前最好试探一下。All five of the men will be charged with committing treason against the state.这五个人全都将因为犯了叛国罪而被起诉。He received a felony conviction. = He was convicted of committing a felony.他被判了重刑罪。She later claimed that she did not realize she was committing an offense.她后来声称自己并未意识到是在犯罪。




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