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词汇 committees
例句 Farming interests now dominate many of the National Park committees.农场经营利益集团现在支配着许多国家公园委员会。The two committees contended with internal jealousies over their new power.两个委员会为取得新的权力在内部互相倾轧,勾心斗角。He is not someone who could content himself with sitting on charity committees.他不是那种安于在慈善委员会供职的人。He was asked to sit on numerous committees.他受邀担任过许多委员会的委员。Richardson is very well-connected, both in the Democratic leadership and on political committees.理查森在民主党领导层内以及在政治委员会中都有很好的关系。Select committees have the power to subpoena witnesses.特别委员会有权传唤证人出庭作证。He is known for his privatistic ways. He scrupulously avoids faculty committees and politics.他以采取隐遁主义的态度著称,总是小心地躲避教员委员会以及学校政治。The government agreed to establish two committees to examine the proposals.政府同意成立两个委员会来审议这些提议。The Senate committees have exclusive jurisdiction over the FBI.参议院委员会对联邦调查局有专属管辖权。She's served on innumerable committees.她担任过无数委员会的委员。Many defectors provided the McCarthy committees with evidence of political subversion.许多变节者向麦卡锡委员会提供了政治颠覆活动的证据。She serves on several committees.她担任好几个委员会的委员。The uproar led to the establishment of bioethics committees to oversee research.这场轩然大波导致了生物伦理学协会的建立,旨在对研究进行监管。The law now requires that parents serve on the committees that plan and evaluate school programs.现在,法律要求家长在规划和评估学校项目的委员会中任职。Such committees have had a poor record in the past.这样的委员会在过去曾有不良记录。He simply disliked working with committees and avoided it whenever possible.他非常不喜欢在各类委员会工作,只要可能他就会避免。The article discusses the recent assignment of senators to some of the more powerful committees.文章讨论了最近选派参议员去一些影响更大的委员会工作的事宜。These committees are usually presided over by a senior judge.这些委员会通常由一位资深法官领导。She packed the committees with yes-men and then did just what she liked.她在委员会里塞满了一些唯唯诺诺的人,然后就为所欲为。Most regional committees meet four times a year.大部分地区委员会每年开会四次。The committees will be reconstituted after the election.委员会在选举后要改组。They got chairmanships of key committees.他们获得了几个主要委员会的主席职位。The committees undertook a comprehensive diagnosis of the city's problems.该委员会负责对这个城市的问题作全面调查分析。Street committees keep a weather eye on the families in their district.街道委员会留意所辖区域内的家家户户。These committees were gradually absorbed into the local government machine.这些委员会被逐渐并入当地的政府机构中。The new regulations give the planning committees more teeth.新规定赋予计划委员会更大的权力。Ann serves on various local committees.安在当地的多个委员会里任职。The Treasurer is an ex officio member of all sub-committees.财政大臣是所有小组委员会理所当然的委员。It was also agreed to reactivate two joint committees on negotiations.磋商中还达成了重启两个联委会的决议。Decisions are frequently delayed in the labyrinth of Whitehall committees.白厅各委员会关系错综复杂,决策经常一拖再拖。Although the budget committees guide Congress's actions on spending, every committee plays a role.虽然预算委员会指导国会在开支方面的行动,但其实每个委员会都发挥各自的作用。




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