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词汇 查询
例句 It's got a number you can ring to query your bill.这上面有一个号码,您可以打电话查询您的账单。Then Mr. Kamenar, acting on a hunch, ran a computer check at the Federal Election Commission.然后卡姆纳尔先生凭直觉在联邦选举委员会的计算机系统中进行了查询He located some of the desired items after a quick canvass.经过一番迅速的查询,他探明了他所需要的一部分东西的存放地点。For any details concerning a particular country you should check with the embassy.若想了解有关某个国家的详细情况,应该向大使馆查询All information systems that have been fitted at Ashford station have now been destroyed by vandals.安装在阿什福德车站的所有信息查询装置如今都被破坏分子毁坏了。Write or telephone for more information.请来函或来电查询详情。None of the organizations mentioned above answered our inquiries.上面提到的机构没有一家回复我们的查询I checked the stock quotes online.我在网上查询股票行情。You can use the search facility to call up all the occurrences of a particular word in a document.你能利用查询功能调出某个特定的词在文件中出现的情况。For all inquiries about flight schedules, please call the following number.查询航班时刻表,请拨打下面这个号码。The tracking number is used to confirm the consignment of the goods.查询单号用来追踪确认货物的托运情况。After the disaster, the police had a flood of enquiries about missing relatives.灾难发生后,警方接到大量对失踪亲属的查询For details of the nearest performance look in the local listings magazines.欲知最近的演出详情,请查询当地文娱活动预告杂志。I am writing to inquire about your advertisement in The Times.贵方在《泰晤士报》刊登广告,特此致函查询You can get the information from your local public library你可以在当地公共图书馆查询该信息。The library's database enables breakdown by title, author, and genre.图书馆的数据库可以通过书名、作者和体裁分类信息来查询I send each inquirer a packet of information.我给每位查询者发送了一份资料。Some banks charge if you access your account to determine your balance.一些银行会对登录账号查询余额进行收费。You can pay bills over the Internet. Additionally, you can check your balance or order statements.你可以在因特网上支付账单。此外,你还可以查询余额或订单明细。Our office is open every day and can help you with all your general enquiries.我们的办公室每天都对外办公,提供各类普通查询帮助。You can find out more details of the offer from your local travel agent.进一步的报价详情可向当地的旅游代理查询They'll make inquiries about the matter. They should be able to narrow things down.他们会查询这件事的。他们应该有能力缩小调查范围。I couldn't remember his number so I had to call information.我不记得他的号码了,所以只好给问讯台打电话查询We've had many enquiries from concerned customers.我们接到了有关顾客提出的很多查询He replied the policeman's inquiry with studious calm.他故作镇静地回答警察的查询Check with your travel agent for the best rates.向你的旅行代理人查询最优惠的价钱。I rang up to inquire about train times.我打了电话查询列车时刻。Enquiries should be made in the first instance to the Human Resources Director.如需查询请先人力资源主管联系。He referred the company to his former employer for his character.他请公司向他以前的雇主查询自己的品行。We should question the validity of those figures.我们应当查询那些数字的正确性。In order for their computers to trace a person's records, they need both the name and address of the individual.在他们的电脑上查询个人记录,需要提供被查询人的姓名和地址。Write to the address above for further information.详情请致函上述地址查询




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