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词汇 Committee
例句 Glyn Ford is chairman of the Committee which produced the report.格林·福特是提交这份报告的委员会的主席。The Medical Committee found the doctor guilty of unethical conduct towards three of his patients.医务委员会裁定该医生对他的三名病人有不符合职业道德的行为。Some members of the Committee seem to have been bribed.委员会的某些委员似乎受了贿。The resolution was proposed by the chairman of the International Committee.那项决议是由国际委员会主席提出的。The Committee said his actions were improper and repugnant.委员会称他行为失当,令人反感。McCarthy was recently named to the Small Business Committee.麦卡锡近日被任命进入小企业委员会。The Central Committee is the party's policy-making body.中央委员会是党的决策机关。The Committee should houseclean its staff.委员会应对其工作人员进行整顿。The Senate Finance Committee chopped almost all of the President's tax proposals.参议院的财政委员会把总统的税务建议几乎全砍光了。He sits on the Senate Finance Committee.他是参议院财政委员会的委员。The Senate Judiciary Committee meets in open session.参议院司法委员会举行开门会议。Senator Sam Nunn reigns supreme over the Senate Armed Services Committee.萨姆·纳恩参议员主导着参议院军事委员会。His absence aroused speculation in the Committee.他的缺席在委员会中引起了猜测。As a member of the International Olympic Committee her fares and hotel expenses were paid by the IOC.作为国际奥林匹克委员会的成员,她的交通费用和酒店住宿费用都由国际奥委会支付。He was a member of a thing called The Committee on Social Thought.他是一个叫什么社会思想委员会的成员。He appeared before the House Committee on Space, Science and Technology.他出席并回答了众议院空间和科学技术委员会的问题。The Central Committee is the party's policymaking body.中央委员会是该党的决策机构。The Committee is expected to vote momentarily on the nomination.委员会有望很快就此提名进行表决。You won't be able to make the Committee.你来不及参加委员会的会议了。The Olympic Committee gave official/formal recognition to the sport.奥委会对这项运动给予了官方/正式认可。His no-inflation bill serves as a useful counterweight to proposals less acceptable to the Committee.他的反通货膨胀法案相对于那些不怎么让委员会满意的提案来说倒是一个有效的平衡。The National Heritage Committee has conducted a public inquiry to find the answer.国家遗产委员会进行了公开调查以寻找答案。The Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to vote momentarily on his nomination to the Supreme Court.参议院司法委员会有望很快就提名他进入最高法院进行投票。The Committee buckled to the job.委员会开始认真着手那项工作。He appeared before the Committee to plead his case.他出现在委员会面前为自己辩护。The report was obviously designed for the consumption of members of the War Committee.该报告显然是为战争委员会的委员们撰写的。I would consider it an honour to serve on the Executive Committee.我认为在行政委员会工作是一种荣幸。The Committee unanimously approved the measure.委员会一致批准了这项措施。The Committee made its objections to the economic implications of the report very clear.委员会对该报告的经济暗示表示了非常明确的反对。The Senate bill has been referred to the Finance Committee.参议院议案已经提交给了财政委员会。He served on the Judiciary Committee.他担任司法委员会委员。The Committee will debate the motion today.委员会今天将讨论这项提议。The Senator's conduct is being investigated by the Ethics Committee.该参议员的行为正受到道德委员会的调查。It is not easy for the Committee of Inquiry to apportion blame in such a complicated case.案情复杂,调查委员会很难判定谁应对此事负责。The programme was approved at a plenary session of the Central Committee last week.该计划在上周召开的中央委员会全体会议上获得通过。She is the chair of the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Military.她担任军队女性权益保护顾问委员会主席。The Police Committee requested a grant from the Government to cover the extra expense.警务委员会要求政府拨款承担这笔额外的费用。We'll talk to two key senators on the Intelligence Committee.我们将与在情报委员会任职的两位参议院要员会谈。The conference, which closed yesterday, was a prelude to a Communist Party Central Committee meeting.昨天结束的会议拉开了共产党中央委员会会议的序幕。The Committee decided to call a meeting of the All India Congress.委员会决定召开国大党会议。




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