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例句 The doctor consulted the patient's chart.医生查看了该患者的病历。Peter starts looking through the mail as soon as the door shuts.彼得一关上门就开始逐一查看起邮件来。Readers are referred to the bibliography for further information.读者可查看参考书目获取详细资料。The reporter demanded to see the documents.记者要求查看那些文件。Under the law, doctors cannot refuse patients access to their own medical records.根据法律,医生不能拒绝病人查看自己的病历。A short time later I heard a noise outside and went to investigate.过了一小会儿我听到外面有响声便出去查看The passengers were checking their luggage and preparing for disembarkation.乘客们正在查看行李,准备下飞机。She bent down to inspect the stain on the rug.她弯下腰去查看地毯上的污迹。He switched on the light and examined his surroundings.他打开灯,查看了周围的情况。The policeman wanted to see all our documents.警察想查看我们所有的证件。She looked over her shoulder to make sure her dress wasn't wrinkled at the back.她转过头去查看一下,发现背部衣服确实没有起皱才放心。They ran all the rapids now without even stopping to scout.他们现在直接冲过所有的急流,都不会停下来查看一下情况。Did you check your purse for the keys?查看过手提包里有钥匙吗? I need to check my computer to see if I've gotten any mail today.我需要查看一下电脑,看看今天是否有电子邮件。I checked through all his letters but found nothing useful.查看了他的所有信件,但没有发现任何有用信息。Each party in the case is entitled to inspect the documents held by the other.案件各方均有权查看对方持有的文件。We'll have to get the people at the city council to look at these plans.我们必须请市政会的人来查看一下这些计划。You need to enter your password to check your e-mail.你需要输入密码才能查看电子邮件。He examined the condemned and then read the sentence.查看了被判罪的人,然后宣读判决。I'd like to go over last month's accounts with you.我想和你一起查看一下上个月的账目。Elaine went outside to inspect the playing field.伊莱恩走到外面查看操场。The policeman looked through the wallet compartments.警察查看了钱包的夹层。They came back to view the house again.他们又回来查看了一遍房子。Connor checked the bus schedules for the day.康纳查看了日间公共汽车时间表。It's a thing used for looking inside people's ears.它是一种用来查看人耳内部的东西。She chanced a look behind her.她碰巧向身后查看了一眼。The mayor surveyed the full scale of the damage.市长查看了损坏的严重程度。People were surveying the damage after the storm.人们当时正在查看暴风雨过后的损失。You can check your account balance on the Internet.你可以在互联网上查看你的账户余额。She checked her mail before leaving the hotel.在离开宾馆前,她查看了邮件。He was granted/denied access to the report. 他被允许/拒绝查看那份报告。The police officer asked to see my driver's license and registration.警官要求查看我的驾照和汽车登记证。Several times it had crossed his mind to check on the car, but he never actually did it.他有好几次想到要去查看车子,可他一直没有真的那么做。She checked the newspaper for her horoscope.她在报纸上查看自己的星象。As is the custom, police forensic experts carried out a painstaking search of the debris.像往常一样,警方的法医专家对残骸进行了仔细的查看The guards checked my passport.警卫人员查看了我的护照。He checked the icebox for sandwich makings.查看了一下冰箱里做三明治所需的原料。It has a red filter to view prints on printing paper without fogging it.它配有红色滤光镜用来查看相纸上的影像,不会引起灰雾。The documents are only available to people with security clearance from the government.只有得到政府许可才能查看这些文件。We believe in letting everyone have the right to see their own medical records.我们认为应该让每个人都有权利查看自己的病历。




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