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例句 He quickly realized that he was an inconvenient eyewitness.他很快认识到,自己是个目击证人使某些人感到头痛。The onset of winter in northern latitudes can cause seasonal affected disorder, a form of mood disorder, in some individuals.在高纬度地区,冬天到来可能会对某些人造成季节性失调,这是情绪失调的一种。The test is expensive and available only at certain medical centers.这种检验费用高昂,而且只有某些医疗中心才提供。The beach has restricted access. 这个海滩只有某些人可以进入。In some diseases, the protective layer in a joint wears away.某些疾病时,关节处的保护层会受到磨损。In certain circles he has been dismissed as a literary lightweight.某些圈子里,他被斥为对文学一知半解。In some respects, DSL is superior to cable for Internet access.某些角度看,数字用户线路在上网方面优于电缆。The author distanced himself from some of the comments in his book.作者使自己书中的某些评论不带个人色彩。Certain types of music always send me to sleep.某些类型的音乐总能使我入睡。Opacity of the eye lens can be induced by deficiency of certain vitamins.眼球晶状体的混浊可由缺乏某些维生素造成。In some quarters optimism reigned supreme.某些人们中间乐观情绪极为普遍。Farm animals are seen as somehow different from animals we keep as pets.家畜总被认为在某些方面与我们养作宠物的动物有些不同。There was something about it that stuck in the craw.它的某些方面让人无法接受。His work shows some affinity with current trends in design.他的作品与时下的设计趋势有某些相似之处。He holds certain expectations about the teacher's role.他对教师的角色抱有某些期待。At certain stages of a project, most staff members are expected to work additional hours when needed.一个项目进展到某些阶段,如有需要大部分员工都得加班。Dishes commended by some people may be nauseated by others.某些人赞美的菜肴另一些人吃着也许会恶心。A share confers certain rights on the person who holds it.股份赋予其持有者某些权利。Some scenes in the movie risk alienating a female audience.这部电影中的某些场景可能会使女性观众不爱看。Most children have food fads at some time.大多数孩子在某一阶段都会盲从某些食物。The committee will work within the framework of certain broad objectives.委员会将在某些大的目标框架内工作。Smith has become displeased with some members of the staff.史密斯对某些员工产生了不满。Horizontal scrolling is used with some word processors.水平滚动配合某些字处理程序使用。We are going to explore some of the similarities and differences between British and American English.我们要探讨一下英国英语和美国英语的某些异同之处。Certain words should be excluded from polite conversation. 某些词语不应该用于礼貌的交谈中。The government froze prices on certain materials.政府冻结了某些材料的价格。The constitution had invested him with certain powers.宪法授予他某些权力。The effects of the sun can be significantly reduced if we follow certain guidelines.如果我们遵循某些做法,日晒的影响会显著降低。A period of depression can be a perfectly natural response to certain aspects of life.某段时间感到抑郁可能是对生活某些方面很正常的反应。For all the lamentations that schools do not teach the game, it is still played in some areas.很可惜学校不教这项运动,但在某些地区这项运动还在开展。Coupons for discounts on certain products have increased sales of those products.某些产品的折扣券使该等产品的销量增加了。Taking long-term courses of certain medicines may increase vulnerability to infection.长期服用某些药品可能会增加感染的可能性。The Cabinet will be discussing certain affairs of state.内阁将就某些国事进行讨论。The Roman Emperor's custom was at certain solemn times to bestow on his soldiers a donative.古罗马皇帝的惯例是在某些庄严的场合向士兵发放赠品。Unemployment provides a peg for some politicians to hang their complaints about the government on.失业问题为某些政治家提供了抱怨政府的根据。The traditional Indian world view is based on certain definite concepts.印度人传统的世界观是建立在某些明确观念上的。Certain areas in the museum are currently off-limits to visitors.目前博物馆的某些展区谢绝参观。There is a clear link between exposure to radiation and some forms of cancer.接触辐射与患某些癌症之间有明显的联系。The bylaw makes it illegal to drink in certain areas.地方法规规定在某些区域饮酒非法。The King may turn over some of his official posts to his son.国王可能会把他的某些公职交由儿子担任。




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