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词汇 commissioned
例句 The artist was commissioned to paint a picture for the hall.这位艺术家受委托为这个大厅作一幅画。She's commissioned an artist to paint her portrait.她请了一位艺术家为她画肖像。He commissioned a series of portraits of his family.他委托别人为他全家画一组肖像画。A monument has been commissioned in his memory.已请人为他修一座纪念碑。She's been commissioned to write a symphony.她受人委托写一首交响乐曲。They have paired up writers and artists, and commissioned linked works.他们将作家和画家联合起来,委托创作相关作品。Only commissioned officers qualify for the Military Cross.只有持委任状的军官才有资格获得十字勋章。The government commissioned a report on the state of agriculture in the country.政府委托专人作国家农业状况的报告。He was commissioned a general at the age of 50.他五十岁时被任命为将军。The board of directors commissioned its own internal investigation.董事会决定自行展开内部调查。Botticelli was commissioned to paint this altarpiece for a family chapel.波提切利受托为一个家族教堂绘制圣坛装饰画。I was commissioned to do the biography.我受托撰写那本传记。A portrait of the queen was commissioned.为王后画像的命令已下达。An independent study was commissioned by the department.一项独立研究由该部门委托进行。He was commissioned as second lieutenant in the Air Force.他被任命为空军少尉。He does mainly commissioned portrait works.他主要是受人委托创作肖像作品。It is one of the oldest commissioned naval vessels afloat in the world.它是世界上最早投入服役的海军舰艇之一。The Ministry of Agriculture commissioned a study into low-input farming.农业部委托进行低投入型耕作的研究。Macmillan commissioned her to illustrate a book by Spike Milligan.麦克米伦公司委托她为斯派克·米利根的一本书画插图。I was commissioned into the RAF.我被授予皇家空军的军官军衔。The report was commissioned by the Welsh Office.这份报告是受威尔士事务部委托写的。They have been commissioned to build one warship with the option for another.他们受托建造一艘军舰,并可选择再造一艘。The Philadelphia Medical Society commissioned a report on alcoholism.费城医学会托人撰写有关酒精中毒的报告。The BBC has already commissioned a second series.英国广播公司已经委托制作系列片的第二部。Scarborough Council commissioned geological experts earlier this year to survey the cliffs.斯卡伯勒市政会在今年早些时候委托地质专家对这些悬崖进行勘测。She was commissioned in the Navy as a captain.她被任命为海军上校。The Ministry of Agriculture commissioned a study into low-input farming.农业部委托对低投入耕作进行研究。The Left-Hand Piano Concerto was the first of several works commissioned from distinguished composers.《左撇子钢琴协奏曲》是著名作曲家受托谱写的数部作品中的第一部。The man who had commissioned the killing, provided the weapon and promised payment.谋杀的主使者提供武器并答应付给报酬。He has been commissioned to write a history of the town.他受托撰写该镇的历史。The newspaper commissioned a series of articles on the worst excesses of the fashion industry.报社请人撰写了一系列针砭时装业极端倾向的文章。The irony is this document may become more easily available in the US than in Britain where it was commissioned.反讽的是,这份文件在美国可能比在其授权地英国更容易获得。The report on poverty was commissioned by the governor.这份贫困状况报告是应州长要求完成的。We have commissioned a full survey of the property.我们已经把详细鉴定房产的事委托好了。These pieces were commissioned by Queen Victoria.这些物件是维多利亚女王订购的。The magazine commissioned a story about the world's best beaches.这家杂志委托他人撰写一个世界最美海滩的报道。The king commissioned the artist to paint his portrait.国王委托这位画家为他画像。Brook commissioned a couple of dramatists to write a play for him.布鲁克委托几名剧作家为他撰写一个剧本。This is a government-commissioned research.这是项政府委托进行的研究。




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