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词汇 commission
例句 He was out of commission for three days with the flu.他得了流感,三天没能正常做事。The commission telegraphed its decision earlier this month by telling an official to prepare the order.本月早些时候,委员会命令一位官员准备起草指令,透露了其决定。The commission has invited interested parties to submit comments, and these are now pouring in.委员会已邀请各当事方递交意见,现在意见书纷至沓来。Last week the commission published its long-awaited report on the problem of teenage pregnancies.上周委员会公布了人们期盼已久的关于少女妊娠问题的报告。He approached John Wexley with a commission to write the screenplay of the film.他找到约翰·韦克斯利,委托他创作这部电影的剧本。The EU commission exercised its power to override British policy.欧盟委员会行使其权力来否决英国的政策。She sells cars on commission. 她卖汽车赚取佣金。The selling broker is then required to assign a portion of the commission to the buyer broker.卖方经纪人须随后将部分佣金分给买方经纪人。The commission is expected to blame the army for many of the atrocities.委员会理应谴责军队的诸多暴行。It was her job to commission occasional articles.她的工作就是约人写不定期的文章。On graduation he took a commission in the Marine Corps.毕业后他当了海军陆战队军官。Already he has exacted a written apology from the chairman of the commission.他已经强行要求委员会主席作出书面道歉。She served on the city's water commission.她在市水务委员会工作。The commission calls for a bold, new conservation ethic that embraces the oceans as a public trust.委员会提议建立一套全新、大胆的自然保护准则,将海洋纳入公众管辖范围。Sellers pay a fixed commission fee.卖方支付固定的服务费。He accepted a commission as a naval officer.他接受任命成为一名海军军官。Sexism in advertising is becoming less common thanks to the new complaints commission.多亏新设立的投诉委员会,广告中的性别歧视正变得越来越少。The commission telegraphed its decision earlier.委员会电告了其此前的决定。His secretary started calling around to find out where the commission was meeting.他的秘书开始到处打电话,想找出委员会在哪里开会。The commission will operate independently of ministers.委员会将脱离内阁独立运作。The Internet connection is back in commission. 网络连接已恢复正常。Presidency rotates among members of the commission.主席由委员会的成员轮流担任。If a person uses a gun in the commission of a crime, then he should be given an additional penalty.如果使用枪支进行犯罪,就应该受到额外的惩罚。If you are offered a commission-free currency exchange, make sure that you are getting the official exchange rate.如果有人向你提供免佣金的货币兑换服务,一定要确保兑换按官方汇率进行。He didn't realize until much later what a spectacular achievement his father made in getting his commission as an officer.他很久之后才明白,父亲获得军官这个职衔是多么了不起的成就。Veteran diplomat Richard Murphy is heading the commission.资深外交官理查德·墨菲正领导着这个委员会。They were charged with the possession of articles for the preparation, instigation, and commission of terrorism acts.他们被指控持有用于准备、煽动及实施恐怖主义行为的物品。The commission's proceedings have been wrecked by tantrums and walkouts.委员会的议程因与会者胡搅蛮缠和离席抗议而搞砸了。A commission has been set up to enquire into alleged malpractice.调查被指控的渎职行为的委员会已经成立。Sir Peter would also like to see the current adversarial system of advocacy examined by the royal commission.彼得爵士也乐于看到现有的对抗式辩护制度受到王室委员会审查。He obtained a commission in the Royal Air Force.他在皇家空军谋得一个官职。We commission TV shows from independent producers.我们委托独立制片人制作电视节目。The commission concluded that the police action was unjustified.委员会判定警方行为不当。Salesmen work on commission.销售人员根据销售额获得提成。The commission remains so weak that it will continue to avoid confrontation with governments.该委员会的力量仍然十分薄弱,所以将继续避免与各国政府发生冲突。The authorities have been asked to set up a commission to investigate the murders.当局被敦促成立一个委员会负责调查这些谋杀案。They made every effort to project the commission into the public eye.他们尽一切努力使那个委员会为公众注意。The commission appointed a special investigator to conduct its own inquiry.委员会委派了一个特别调查员自行调查。The general resigned his commission.将军辞去了他的职务。He was indicted for the commission of a crime.他因犯罪而被控告。




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