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词汇 枪击事件
例句 According to his lawyer, Stuart was an unwilling participant in the shooting.按他律师的说法,斯图尔特是不得已参与这次枪击事件的。His brother was killed in a shooting incident last year.他哥哥在去年的一次枪击事件中被杀。Friday's shooting incident in East London led to several arrests.星期五伦敦东部的枪击事件导致数人被捕。Canada was completely stunned by the shooting, for it thinks of itself as a peaceful, gentle nation.加拿大举国上下对这次枪击事件极为震惊,因为它一向认为自己是一个和平、文明的国家。The rash of accidental shootings underscores how difficult it will be to restore order here.一连串的意外枪击事件凸显了恢复该地区的秩序有多困难。Wallace died in a hail of bullets in Los Angeles, the victim of a drive-by killing.华莱士在洛杉矶遇上了飞车枪击事件,在枪林弹雨中遇害身亡。There has been an alarming increase in the number of shootings on our streets.我们街头的枪击事件在以惊人的速度增加。Schools were locked down after the shooting.学校在枪击事件后被关闭。The shooting has only inflamed passions further.枪击事件无疑是火上浇油。Police believe the shootings may have been the work of a jealous boyfriend.警方相信这起枪击事件可能是一个妒忌的男友所为。In the aftermath of the shootings, there were calls for a ban on guns.枪击事件的结果是出现了许多禁止枪支的呼吁。A drug-related gang war led to a series of shootings in the city.一起与毒品有关的帮派火并引发了该市一连串的枪击事件Two more bodies were found nearby after the shooting.枪击事件后附近又发现了两具尸体。Police believe a lone gunman is responsible for the shooting.警方认为仅有一名持枪歹徒对此枪击事件负有责任。There has been an increase in the number of nonfatal shootings in the city.这座城市的非致命枪击事件有所增加。The two gunshots were simultaneous.两起枪击事件同时发生。The shooting provoked a storm of protest.枪击事件激起了一片抗议风潮。Police have set up an incident room as they begin to investigate this morning's fire.警方已经设立了专案室,开始调查今天早上的枪击事件The shooting has forced a rethink of government security measures.枪击事件迫使人们对政府的安全措施进行反思。The shooting inflamed ethnic tensions.枪击事件加剧了种族间的紧张局势。There have been a number of shootings in the capital this week.本周首都发生了几起枪击事件Many shooting incidents go unreported.很多枪击事件都没有报道。One of the gunshot victims was pronounced dead on arrival at City Hospital.枪击事件的其中一名受害者送达市立医院时被宣布已死亡。A youth was seriously injured in a shooting incident on Saturday night.一名年轻人在星期六晚上发生的枪击事件中受了重伤。The shooting victims remain hospitalized.枪击事件受害者仍在住院治疗。The police are hoping to locate an eyewitness to the shooting.警方希望能找到一名枪击事件的目击者。There was a shooting last night.昨晚发生了枪击事件Loyalist paramilitaries were blamed for the shooting.非法军事组织中的死硬分子被视为这起枪击事件的罪魁祸首。He was able to give an eyewitness account of the shooting.他得以给这次枪击事件提供目击证词。They quickly began spinning their own theories about the shooting.他们立即开始编造关于这次枪击事件的种种推测。




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