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词汇 a good deal
例句 There's a good deal of evidence to show that eating red meat can cause heart disease.有大量证据显示,食用红色肉类会导致心脏疾病。I spent a good deal of time thinking about it.我花了大量时间来琢磨这件事。The situation was a good deal worse than we had first thought.情况比我们起初所想的要严重很多。Things have changed a good deal, I dare say.我敢说情况已经发生了很大的变化。It needs a good deal of management to persuade him to consent.颇需要用些手段才能说服他同意。There was a good deal of vacillation among her opponents.她的对手们有很大的动摇。Big business will never let petty nationalism get in the way of a good deal.大企业永远不会让狭隘的民族主义妨碍它们做大好的买卖。The new law met with a good deal of opposition at the local level.新法律在地方上遭到强烈反对。They will have to make do on a good deal less than they were earning last year.他们得紧着比去年的收入少得多的钱过日子。Things are going a good deal better than last season.进展情况比上一季顺利多了。He reached his decision after a good deal of contemplation.他经过周密思考后作出了决定。They have a good deal of independent authority.他们有相当多的自主权。When he talked with me, he opened out a good deal.他一和我聊天就变得十分健谈。In his flusher days he spent a good deal on books.在比较富裕的日子里他花了许多钱买书。His stories about his travels include a good deal of embroidery.他讲述的自己的游历故事中有大量的渲染成分。Teenage children begin to assert their independence and this can lead to a good deal of friction in the family.孩子十来岁开始坚持要独立,这可能会在家里造成很多摩擦。Social Security has reduced poverty, and last, but by no means least, it has been a good deal for participants.社会保障制度减少了贫困,最后同样重要的一点是,对于参加者来说它是合算的。She had lost a good deal of her bloom and bounce.她大量的青春年华已逝去。They couldn't have succeeded without a good deal of luck. 要不是因为运气特好,他们不可能成功。The Director thought a good deal of him.主任对他评价很高。Some pre-teens are able to handle a good deal of responsibility.一些十来岁的孩子也是能够承担不少责任的。There was a good deal of cheerful bustle.曾有过好一阵欢闹。She spends a good deal of her time in China.她很多时候在中国。The committee spent a good deal of time finessing their strategy.该委员会花费了大量时间完善策略。It was a good deal all around: we made money and nobody lost out.无论从哪方面看,这都是件好事:我们赚了钱,其他人也没损失。Some preteens are able to handle a good deal of responsibility.有些青春期前的儿童能够承担很多责任。The article contains a good deal of information about the software.这篇文章讲了许多关于该软件的知识。Working from home requires a good deal of discipline.在家上班要具备良好的自制力。We got a good deal on our plane tickets.我们买到了非常便宜的机票。Whether such properties are a good deal will depend on individual situations.这样的地产是否可获得大笔收益还要视具体情形而定。Simon had been away a good deal lately.西蒙最近经常出门。I have tried to pack a good deal into a few words.我尽量言简意赅。You have a good deal at the bank. Don't blow it.你在银行那活儿真惬意,可别砸了。They knew a good deal about the problem.他们很了解那个问题。Her work has improved a good deal over the past year.在过去一年里她进步很大。Cowpland said he was willing to buy the company if he got a good deal.考普兰说如果合算的话,他愿意买下那家公司。The directors managed to secure a good deal for the company with a bit of subtle manoeuvring.董事们略施巧计,为公司赢得了一桩好买卖。The government attaches a good deal of importance to education.政府对教育予以高度的重视。Although he had never met Geoffrey Hardcastle, he knew a good deal about him.尽管从没有见过杰弗里·哈德卡斯尔,但他对他知之甚多。Things could be a good deal worse. 形势可能会糟糕得多。




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