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词汇 极其
例句 Francis didn't bother with clothes or make-up. She was an extremely serious and studious young girl.弗朗西丝对衣服和化妆品不感兴趣,她是个极其认真、用功的少女。She read the announcement in a very ceremonious way.极其庄重地宣读了这份声明。The island is a haven of peace and tranquillity.这个岛上极其宁静。Since they got married, they've been in seventh heaven.他们结婚后极其幸福。I find the policy extremely confusing.我认为该政策极其让人费解。He took her hand and fixed her with a look of deep concern.他抓住她的手,表情极其关切地看着她。He turned nasty when I refused to pay him.我拒绝付钱给他时,他变得极其凶恶。She is admired for the great breadth of her learning.她由于学识极其渊博而受到崇敬。They were thoroughly dejected and miserable.他们情绪极其低落,愁眉苦脸。This was a fiendish act of wickedness.这是极其恶毒的行为。It all seems extremely involved and complicated.这一切似乎极其错综复杂。The Jewish community was revulsed by the massacre.犹太社区对这场大屠杀都极其反感。He laughed with immense scorn of such a puerile opinion.对于如此愚蠢的见解他极其轻蔑地嗤之以鼻。People are living in appalling conditions.人们的居住条件极其恶劣。Unless you are claustrophobic, you will probably find the experience extremely pleasurable and relaxing.除非你有幽闭恐惧症,否则你很可能会发现这是一次极其轻松愉快的经历。Since apes walk on all fours, they have long, extremely burly arms.猿行走时四肢并用,因此前肢很长,并且极其结实。The service in this hotel is very remiss.这家旅馆的服务极其马虎。Their shows are always incredibly camp and flamboyant.他们的演出总是花里胡哨,极其夸张。The walls were all slimy and green.这些墙布满了青苔,极其黏滑。David's undying love for his wife is very touching.大卫对他妻子始终不渝的爱极其感人。He was someone with a great love of life.他是一个极其热爱生活的人。I heartily agree with her.极其赞成她的意见。It was Johansson who scored the all-important goal shortly before half-time.正是约翰森在上半场结束前不久踢进了极其关键的一球。The President was impressed by his speed and thoroughness.他办事迅速而又极其认真仔细,给总统留下了深刻的印象。Many of them live under deplorable conditions.他们中很多人的生活条件极其恶劣。They are forced to live in deplorable conditions.他们被迫在极其恶劣的条件下生活。Prisoners in several jails have rioted in protest at their appalling conditions.数所监狱的囚犯发生暴乱,抗议他们极其恶劣的条件。Police described the crime as wicked and inhuman.警方形容这宗罪案极其凶残和冷血。Their evening together had been a miserable failure.他们在一起的那个夜晚极其失败。His written reports are incredibly sloppy.他的书面报告写得极其马虎。He is sorely lacking in social skills.极其缺乏社交技能。McNally now owns a clutch of uberchic downtown celebrity hangouts.如今麦克内利在市中心拥有一片极其时尚的高档休闲场所。The road took an imperceptible rise over the low hill.极其平缓地向那座低矮的小山头升展。He has a fetish for secrecy.极其喜欢保密。These hawks are magnificent in flight, soaring and circling for long periods.这些鹰飞行能力极其出色,可以长时间在空中翱翔和盘旋。He was extremely diplomatic over the phone.他在电话里极其圆滑老练。These days he is ferociously competitive.这些天来他极其争强好胜。She is a very erratic tennis player.她是个极其难以捉摸的网球手。He has served his country extraordinarily well.他服役期间表现极其出色。My boss was very complimentary about my work.老板对我的工作极其称赞。




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