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词汇 commemorate
例句 Today we commemorate the end of the Second World War.今天我们纪念二战的结束。Gathered all together in this church, we commemorate those who lost their lives in the war.我们齐聚在这座教堂里,缅怀那些在大战中丧生的人们。Flowers were laid to commemorate the anniversary of the assassination of John Lennon.人们在约翰·列侬遇刺周年纪念日摆放鲜花悼念他。A new range of stamps will be issued to commemorate the event.将要发行一套新邮票来纪念这个事件。A statue has been built to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the poet's birthday.为纪念诗人百年诞辰建起了一尊雕像。The bower in the garden was erected to commemorate the poet that once lived here.花园中的亭子是为了纪念曾经住在这里的诗人而建造的。The postage stamps to commemorate this great occasion had already been printed.已印发邮票来纪念这一伟大时刻。Some galleries commemorate donors by inscribing their names on the walls.一些美术馆把捐赠者的姓名镌刻在墙上以示纪念。Each year on this date we commemorate our ancestors with a special ceremony.每年这一天我们都以特别的仪式来缅怀我们的祖先。New Orleans has many places that commemorate the early settlers.新奥尔良有许多纪念早期开拓者的地方。




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