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词汇 commander
例句 The commander ordered a counterattack.司令官命令反攻。He was commander in chief during the invasion of Panama.在侵略巴拿马的战役中他是总司令。The commander rallied his tired soldiers and they fought off the enemy at last.指挥官重整疲惫不堪的士兵,最后他们终于击退敌人。The commander and some of the men had been released.指挥官和一些士兵已经获释。Before his retirement from the navy, he was a commander.从海军退伍之前,他是个中校。If mistakes occurred, they were assumed to be the fault of the commander on the spot.如果出现了错误,就会认为是现场指挥官的失误。The commander of the German task force radioed that he was breaking off the action.德国特遣部队指挥官用无线电发报称他将中止这次行动。The tank commander feared there might be enemy soldiers lying in wait in the hills up ahead.坦克司令担心,前方的山头上可能埋伏着敌军士兵。Mobutu ascended through the ranks, eventually becoming commander of the army.蒙博托不断升迁,最后成了陆军司令。Meissner was not only commander of the army but also a close friend of the President.迈斯纳不仅是军队的司令官,而且还是总统的密友。The soldier's discharge was frequently signed by a company commander other than his own.士兵的退伍证明通常是由其他连的连长签署的。NATO's supreme commander北约的最高司令官Decision is a quality requisite to a commander.决断是指挥员必须具备的品质。The military commander has been dismissed.军队司令已经被免职了。The company commander ordered the group to form on the last platoon.连长命令这一组紧接着那个排列队。He was the commander of the Pacific fleet.他曾是太平洋舰队司令。The commander decided to attack the enemy on both flanks.指挥官决定从两侧对敌人发起进攻。The commander sent a party to scout out a safer area.指挥官派出一支小队去寻找更为安全的地区。An indecisive commander is unlikely to win the confidence of his men.一个优柔寡断的指挥官不大可能得到部下的信任。The commander briefed his men.指挥官向其手下作了必要的指示。The battalion went on parade to welcome the new commander-in-chief.该营列队集合欢迎新的总司令。The commander said the army would comply with the ceasefire.指挥官说军队会遵守停火协议。The President exercised his power as commander in chief to deploy forces in the region.总统行使最高统帅权力,下令在这一地区部署兵力。The commander in chief reviewed his troops.总司令检阅他的部队。The commander has asked us to send reinforcements.指挥官要我们派增援部队。He was to be the commander-in-chief of the armed forces.他将担任武装部队的最高统帅。The army was arrayed before the commander.部队在指挥官前列好阵势。The operation is being seen as a swift riposte to the killing of a senior army commander.这次军事行动被看作是对一名高级军事指挥官被杀所作出的迅速还击。The commander showed mercy to the prisoners of war.司令官对战俘十分怜悯。The commander decided to make an air strike on the enemy's supply line.指挥官决定空袭敌人的补给线。The company commander assigned me to stand guard.连长派我去站岗。He presented a list of requisitions to the depot commander.他向补给仓库指挥官提交了一份征用物资清单。The commander drilled the troops.指挥官训练部队。The commander-in-chief exercises supreme authority within his zone.总司令在自己的辖域内行使至高无上的权力。If the enemy advanced into the open, the commander would call down a prearranged bombardment.一旦敌军进入开阔地,指挥官将下令按预定计划开火。Orders were passed to the commander at the front in an abbreviated form.命令以缩略的形式传达给前线指挥官。The former Queens precinct commander has slashed crime.前皇后区警方指挥官抨击了犯罪。The commander gave the word to fire.指挥员下令开火。The commander racked his brains over the problem of crossing the river.指挥员苦苦思索渡河问题。The allied commander demanded their immediate and unconditional surrender.盟军指挥官要求他们立刻无条件投降。




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