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The house was in a right mess when we got back.我们回来的时候,屋里一片狼藉。Unfortunately, you were out when we called.很遗憾,我们来的时候你出去了。When I came back there was a shock waiting for me.当我回来的时候,有一件令人震惊的事正等着我。I've made one or two tiny alterations, but otherwise the house is the same as when I bought it.我作了一两处小小的改动,除此之外房子跟我买来的时候一样。I didn't see her arrive because I had my back turned.她来的时候我没有看到,因为我正好转身背对着。I stood petrified as the most enormous dog I've ever seen came bounding up to me.当我平生所见到的最大的一只狗向我扑来的时候,我吓得呆在那里一动不动。The horse returned sound as a bell.这匹马回来的时候状况非常好。You should have seen him when they arrived. He was like a kid in a candy store.你真应该看看他们来的时候他的样子,简直就像是进了糖果店的孩子。The murmur of distant traffic reached us when the wind was in the east.东风吹来的时候,我们可以听到远处车来车往的轰轰声。When I woke up, I felt miles better.当我醒来的时候,我感觉好多了。They came back sopping wet.他们回来的时候浑身湿透了。By the time I remembered about the meat it was frazzled.等我想起来的时候,肉已经烤焦了。The cyclists quickly picked up speed as they headed down the mountain.自行车手们从山上冲下来的时候迅速加快了速度。She was injured in a car crash while returning from a dance.她从舞会回来的时候出车祸受了伤。When I woke up this morning, the ground was covered with frost.我今天早晨醒来的时候,地面上覆盖了一层霜。I didn't expect the furniture to arrive in pieces.我没想到家具送来的时候是散件。Will the fire keep in until we get back?炉火能烧到我们回来的时候吗?The only time we use the VCR is when they bring Joey to our house.我们只是在他们把乔伊带到我们家里来的时候才用录像机。When the police came, they had to kick the door in to get into the flat.警察来的时候只好踹开门进入那套公寓。She arrived weeping, dabbing her eyes with a tissue.她来的时候一边哭着,一边用纸巾抹着眼泪。We were absolutely delighted when she said she would come.她说她要来的时候我们高兴极了。The garden will be overgrown with weeds by the time we get back.我们回来的时候,花园里会长满杂草。We'll stop off and see you on our way back.我们回来的时候顺路来看你。When the humour takes him, he writes for hours together.当他兴致上来的时候,一写就是几个小时。Very little was said as we awaited the arrival of the chairman.我们等候主席到来的时候都没怎么说话。He arrived just as I was bathing.他来的时候我正洗澡。He smiled with pleasure when she walked in.当她走进来的时候,他开心地笑了。Dinner will be ready by the time you get back.你们回来的时候晚餐将会准备好了。We were way behind on the budget planning already when the new project came in.这新的项目插进来的时候,我们的预算计划已经远远落后了。There were grunts of acknowledgement as the food arrived.食物送来的时候,响起了一片咕咕哝哝的答谢声。It was the sound a man might make when in pain but trying not to show it.那是一个人强忍着疼痛不想表露出来的时候发出的声音。She nearly lost a shoe pulling her foot out of the hole.她把脚从洞中拔出来的时候差点掉了一只鞋。By the time the great day arrived, I'd worked myself into the ground making sure everything would be just right.为了确保万无一失,我拼命地干,等大日子到来的时候已经累垮了。He came in tired and hungry and badly in need of a bath.他来的时候又累又饿,而且非常需要洗个澡。Come on! - get cracking. I want this whole house clean by the time I get back.快点!赶紧动手,我要你们在我回来的时候把屋子全部打扫干净。He was already dead when the doctor came.医生赶来的时候他已经死了。I was in the middle of my work when he called.他打电话来的时候,我正在忙。When the man was finally rescued, he showed no sign of life.当这个人最终被救出来的时候,已经没气了。When he returned, he looked pale and weary.他回来的时候,看上去苍白而疲惫。Sam arrived in a state of excitement bordering on hysteria.萨姆来的时候处于一种近乎于歇斯底里的兴奋状态。 |