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词汇 a good
例句 The first half of the game was a good even contest.上半场比赛双方势均力敌。Pamela knew she was a good student, and that was not just a conceit.帕梅拉知道自己是个好学生,而这绝不仅仅是自负。Favourable weather yielded a good crop.好天气带来了好收成。She unites the best qualities of a good wife and a tender mother.她同时具有贤妻和良母的最佳品德。If you plan to jog along roadsides, it's a good idea to wear at least one article of fluorescent clothing.如果你打算在路边慢跑,身上起码要穿一件有荧光的衣服。He's a good player, but since he failed the drug test, no team will touch him.他是个好选手,但由于没通过药检,没有哪个队愿意跟他扯上关系。The doctor says she's making a good recovery, and she should be out and about in a few days' time.医生说她恢复得很好,几天后应该就可以正常行动了。They have a good record for recognizing emerging talent.他们在发现人才方面有很好的记录。Getting your priorities in order is a good way to not waste energy on meaningless pursuits.将事情按优先顺序排列能有效地避免把精力浪费在无意义的工作上。The ideal lesson contains a good mix of activities and subjects.理想的课堂是课堂活动和教学内容适当地结合。The bathroom was in a good state of cleanliness.浴室卫生状况良好。Putting your savings in a high-interest account is a good bet.把你的积蓄存进高利率储蓄户头是明智之举。It needed a good deal of management to persuade them to give me the job.说服他们把那份工作让我做,颇用了些手段。Man, we had a good time - we drank all through the night!嘿,我们昨晚真叫尽兴,喝了一夜的酒!It's a good place to rear young children.这是个抚养年幼孩子的好地方。Dan was a good man. He'd never hurt anyone deliberately.丹是个好人,他从不故意伤害别人。I'm proud to say that all my children had a good education.我自豪地说我的孩子都受过良好的教育。As a child I was quite a good dancer, but I didn't fulfil my early promise.我小时候舞跳得相当好,但我并没有成为舞蹈家。It was a good deal all around: we made money and nobody lost out.无论从哪方面看,这都是件好事:我们赚了钱,其他人也没损失。The grape is quite a good eater.葡萄是很好吃的水果。I have always been a good payer and have never gone into debt.我一直及时付款,从未欠债。After a good night's sleep, he had a brilliant inspiration.他美美睡了一夜后想到一个绝妙的主意。At first blush, it seems like a good idea.乍一想,这倒像是个好主意。This is a good way to peel garlic.这个办法剥大蒜很好。It's a good college, but lacks the cachet of Harvard.这是一所很好的大学,但缺乏哈佛这样的声望。Could you put me on to a good dentist?你能帮我找个好的牙医吗?Would you care for the refreshment of a good shower?你要不要痛痛快快洗个淋浴恢复一下精神?Privately, I'm not so sure it's a good idea.在内心深处,我拿不准这是不是个好主意。To be a good musician, you have to practice a lot.要成为一名优秀的音乐家,必须得大量练习。The boat was in a good state of repair.这艘船状况很不错。Insulating the attic is a good way to reduce heat loss.为阁楼添加隔热层是减少热量流失的好方法。Mike's done a good job of painting the windows.迈克把窗户油漆得很好。Waiters say that they can always tell if a customer is going to be a good tipper or not.服务生说他们总是可以一眼看出一个顾客是否会大方地给小费。He is a good player, as players go nowadays.照目前一般水平而言,他是个好选手。The team is now a good mixture of experience and youth.这个队如今既经验丰富又充满朝气。To do her justice, she is a good teacher.说句公道话,她是位好老师。Let's start with the basics - you've got a good job and a nice home.我们从基本情况开始吧,你有一份好工作和一个不错的家。He's a good amateur, but playing basketball at the professional level is an entirely different ball of wax. 他是一名优秀的业余选手,不过打职业篮球完全是另一回事。It wasn't half as good as that other restaurant we went to.它比我们去的另一家餐馆差远了。They were in no mood to give a good goddamn about anything.他们无心过问任何事。




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