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词汇 来源
例句 Debt can be a continual source of mental stress.欠债可能是精神压力持续不断的来源H.L.Mencken's The American Language is one of those read for the present dictionary. H.L.门肯所著《美国语》一书是本词典撷取资料的来源之一。English words come from a wide variety of sources.英语词汇有各种不同的来源There are alternative sources of nutrition to animal meat.存在替代肉类的其他营养来源We consolidate information from a wide range of sources.我们把来源广泛的信息加以合并。Sugar and tourism are their top foreign exchange earners.糖和旅游业是他们的两大外汇收入来源Philologists puzzle over the origins of Basque in the way that geologists puzzle over the deep structure of faults.正如地质学家对断层的深层结构感到窘惑一样,历史语言学家也对巴斯克语的来源迷惑不解。Our biggest source of customers are the dolly-birds working-class girls.我们最大的顾客来源是年轻貌美的摩登女工。There are many sources of air pollution; exhaust fumes, for example.空气污染有许多来源,例如废气。If you don't take milk, cheese or yoghurt, other sources of calcium are important.你要是不喝鲜奶和酸奶,也不吃乳酪,那么其他的补钙来源就很重要了。Words have over the centuries acquired meanings not easily traced in dictionaries.经过了数百年,词语的有些含义在词典里已难以查到来源A garden was the source of inspiration for the painting.花园是这幅画灵感的来源I verified the source from which I had that information.我核实了我所获消息的来源Candidates are required to publish the sources of their campaign funds.候选人须公布其竞选经费的来源Domestic consumers of petroleum products have an interest in a secure source of petroleum products.石油产品的国内消费者希望其来源能够获得保障。The source of the text is disputable. 文本的来源尚不确定。Beans and lentils are an inexpensive source of protein.菜豆和小扁豆是廉价的蛋白质来源The botanical grouping, parentage, origin, common names, and flowering times of each flower is recorded.每种花的植物组别、来源、产地、普通名称及花期都记录在案。What foods do you recommend as good sources of fiber?你推荐什么食物作为纤维素的来源Beans are a very good source of protein.豆类是非常好的蛋白质来源They're looking for new sources of investment return.他们正在寻找新的投资回报来源These unscrupulous employers treat children as a cheap source of labour.这些不择手段的雇主把孩子当作廉价劳力的来源This naked shorting is not only legal, it constitutes one of the biggest profit centers in the financial markets.这种无货卖空不仅是合法的,而且还是金融市场最大的利润来源之一。There is dispute among scholars as to the source of the text. = The source of the text is a matter/subject of dispute among scholars.学者们对于文本的来源有争议。Experts have bracketed the two moons with Mars as a potential source of dangerous micro-organisms.专家们将这两个卫星与火星一起归入危险微生物的潜在来源After the election our funding came to an abrupt halt.大选过后,我们的资金突然断了来源Europe saw its colonies as a source of raw material and a malleable workforce.欧洲曾把它的殖民地看作是原材料和驯服劳动力的来源地。Doggerels are a rich source of comedy and satire.打油诗为喜剧和讽刺作品提供了丰富的素材来源His main source of work had dried up, leaving him short of money.他的主要订单来源中断了,造成他资金短缺。List all your sources at the end of your essay.在论文末尾列出你所有资料的来源Tourism is the country's top earner of foreign currency.旅游业是该国最大的外汇收入来源There was some secret about the source of his wealth.关于他钱财的来源是个秘密。The source of the text has been disputed for centuries.几个世纪以来,对于这个文本的来源一直存在争论。The historian searched for primary sources of information about the past.历史学家寻找有关过去的原始资料来源The information is from an unimpeachable source.这个消息的来源非常可靠。The evidence presented to you has been drawn from many sources.提交给你的证据有多处来源Plants are the ultimate source of all foodstuffs.植物是所有食物的最根本来源India's myths and songs are the inspiration for her books.印度的神话与歌曲是她那些书的灵感来源Newspaper articles are a good source of material for stories.报纸上的文章是非常好的小说素材来源The police refused to reveal the source of their information.警方拒绝透露信息的来源




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