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词汇 来回走动
例句 He had been stamping impatiently about the gallery.他一直烦躁地在走廊里迈着重重的步子来回走动A waiter hovered in the offing.一个服务员在附近来回走动He traversed the bedroom in much agitation.他极其焦躁不安地在卧室里来回走动I could hear him galumphing around in the attic.我能听见他在阁楼里笨重地来回走动She was wringing her hands and pacing back and forth while waiting for her son to call.她绞搓着双手来回走动,等待儿子的电话。He walked back and forth in the room.他在屋里来回走动Max zips back and forth across the living room.马克斯在客厅里快速地来回走动He began a non-stop hike up and down the corridors of the hospital.他在医院的走廊里不停地来回走动As it was rather cold, we walked up and down to keep warm.天气相当冷,我们来回走动以使身子保持暖和。He stood up and began to move around the room.他起身开始在屋里来回走动I could hear someone moving around upstairs.我听到有人在楼上来回走动He paced up and down in the waiting room.他在等候室里来回走动I could hear someone creeping around downstairs.我能听见楼下有人蹑手蹑脚地来回走动He is still pacing up and down the room.他仍在房间里来回走动There were buffalo ranging the plains of North America.水牛在北美平原上自由地来回走动




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