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词汇 来信
例句 Your letter calls up the days when we worked together on the docks.你的来信使我回忆起我们一起在码头上工作的日子。His letter bespeaks his willingness to help.来信表示愿意帮忙。What can his silence mean? I hope he's not ill.他久久不来信不知出了什么事? 但愿他没有生病。We're particularly interested to hear from people who speak two or more European languages.我们特别希望能收到说两种或两种以上欧洲语言的人的来信Please send me an address if you move.你如果搬家的话,请来信把地址告诉我。 A TV programme about cruelty to children brought hundreds of letters from concerned viewers.一个关于虐待儿童的电视节目引起许多观众来信表示关切。The band gets a lot of fan mail.那个乐队收到很多歌迷的来信I had a letter from my ex-wife yesterday.我昨天收到前妻的一封来信All this time I've been half sick about you and why you wouldn't write.我一直非常担心你,一直在想你为什么不来信She pored her eyes out over his letters.她全神贯注地看他的一封封来信,看得两眼都酸痛了。Do you have a knack for coming up with ideas? If so, we would love to hear from you.你有什么能想出好点子的诀窍吗?如果有,我们很愿意收到你的来信We've received scores of letters.我们已收到多封来信As she read his letter, warning bells began to sound in her head.她读着他的来信,心中有一种不祥的预感。I love getting her letters. Come to think of it, I haven't had one for a while.我非常喜欢收到她的来信。想起来了,已经有一段时间没收到了。Her letter seemed pretty cheerful, but if you read between the lines, you can tell that she's not really happy.从她的来信看,似乎她相当开心,但从字里行间你可以看出她并不是真的快乐。Hey Jenny - good to hear from you again.嗨,珍妮,很高兴又收到你的来信Each letter from my bank is another turn of the screw.银行的每一封来信都给我带来更大的压力。It was clear from his letter that he was not interested.从他的来信中可以明显看出他不感兴趣。Thus far I haven't heard from her.我迄今尚未收到她的来信Numerous items of correspondence have been received on this subject.关于这个话题,我们已经收到大量来信I received a letter/call from her yesterday.我昨天接到了她的来信/电话。The sender of the first correct answer wins a trip to London.第一个来信答对的人可赢得一次伦敦之旅的机会。The movie star received tons of fan mail.那位影星收到了许许多多影迷的来信The Secretary's letter questions my veracity and impugns my motives.部长的来信怀疑我的诚实,质疑我的动机。I got a letter from my lawyer.我收到我的律师的一封来信They have inundated me with fan letters.他们转给我的崇拜者来信都快把我淹没了。He yearned after letters from home.他期盼家里来信Many of you have written to us to express your thoughts on the conflict.你们中有许多人给我们来信,表达对冲突的看法。The last part of her letter was deliberately ambiguous.来信的最后一部分故意写得含糊不清。The discovery triggered a stream of readers' letters.该发现引来了读者接二连三的来信He received a large postbag from readers across the world.他收到了来自世界各地读者的大量来信Her reassuring letter helped to chase away my fears.来信安慰我,帮我驱散了恐惧。She cried bitter tears when she got the letter.收到来信,她流下了痛苦的泪水。We got a letter from Pam this morning.今天早上我们收到了帕姆的来信It was clear from our postbag that viewers were unhappy about the programme.从我们收到的来信可以清楚看出,观众们对这个节目不满意。Letters poured in complaining about the gratuitous violence on the show.大量的来信投诉戏中无谓的暴力场面。I had got a letter from my sister in Australia.我收到了在澳大利亚的姐姐的一封来信Your letter will receive immediate attention.您的来信将马上获得答复。I haven't heard from him since he telephoned.自从那次他来电话后,我一直没有收到他的来信I still get letters from some of my old students.我仍收到我以前的一些学生的来信




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