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例句 Let us hear the words of the prophet Isaiah on the coming of the Prince of Peace.让我们聆听先知以赛亚关于和平之王来临的预言。In England the cuckoo is the herald of Spring.在英国杜鹃鸟预示春天的来临Winter is coming and the days are getting shorter.冬天来临,白日变短了。People celebrating the millennium filled the streets.街道上满是庆祝新千年来临的人Just before the storm broke we beelined for home.在暴风雨来临前一刻我们直奔回家。Most of the passes have been closed with the onset of winter.冬天来临,大部分关口均已关闭。Plants must be covered with a leaf-mould or similarly protected if frost threatens.如果霜冻来临,植物必须盖上腐叶土或用类似方法加以保护。Ordinary life would never be the same again after the dawn of the Industrial age.工业时代来临之后,日常生活和以往再也不同了。This was really a perfect Indian summer afternoon to remind one of the beauty of nature before winter set in.这真是个完美无缺的小阳春午后,让人想起冬季来临之前的大自然的瑰丽。The days lengthened as summer approached.随着夏天来临,白天变长了。This war will end eventually, and when that day comes, we will all be profoundly thankful.这场战争终将结束,当那一天来临,我们大家都会深感庆幸。The appearance of buds on the trees tells us that spring has arrived.树上长出的嫩芽告诉我们春天已经来临The arrival of winter can make many people feel depressed.冬天来临会令许多人感到抑郁。The first few leaves in the gutter announced the beginning of autumn.排水沟中最先落入的几片叶子标志着秋天的来临This verse describes three signs of spring.这节诗描绘了春天来临的三个征兆。Neither side would have an incentive to start a war. Ergo, peace would reign.双方都不会有开战的动机,因此和平将会来临The battle dragged and the rainy season set in.战争拖延著,雨季来临了。We were keen to get back to the hotel before the storm broke.我们急于赶在暴风雨来临之前回到宾馆。The spring was ushered in by storms.暴风雨宣告了春天的来临Our research grant had nearly run out, until the cavalry arrived in the shape of the Rowntree Foundation.我们的研究基金就要用完时,朗特里基金就像救兵般地来临了。Several weeks of fall remain before winter begins.秋天还会持续几个星期,冬天就要来临He looked forward to the party with anticipation.他期待聚会的来临Residents are buying supplies and stacking wood in anticipation of the coming storms.居民们预计有暴风雨来临,就买好日用品,堆好木柴。Operation Amazon is timed to coincide with the start of the dry season.拯救亚马孙河的行动安排在了旱季来临之际。Ladies and gentlemen, I am delighted to welcome you here tonight.女士们先生们,欢迎今晚来临,我感到非常高兴。We had been warned there was a hurricane coming.我们得到警告,有一场飓风要来临A sense of doom hung over the town.一种末日将要来临的可怕预感笼罩着全镇。Thunder rumbled louder as another storm rolled in.随着另一场暴风雨的来临,隆隆雷声越来越大。As autumn approached, the weather changed.随着秋天来临,天气发生了变化。As I approached the exam room, I had a feeling of impending doom.我走近考场时,觉得末日就要来临An approaching warm front often means that rain is coming.暖锋来临常意味着快要下雨了。Most farm workers were only vaguely aware that there was a storm on its way.绝大多数农场工人只是隐约感觉到一场风暴将要来临She's still waiting for her ship to come in.她仍在等待成功的来临Investors never saw this turn in the stock market coming.投资者没觉察到股市这次拐点的来临Dawn came and the sea began to kick up.黎明来临,海浪开始升腾。 The rains heralded the nuptial flight of the African termites.雨季的来临预示着非洲白蚁的婚飞。The weather turned warmer with the approach of spring.随着春天的来临,天气变得更暖和了。In a dream I saw them off at the door. Then I sat down to wait for the morning.我神志恍惚地把他们送到门口,然后坐下来等待早晨的来临Frost is a harbinger of winter.霜降预示冬天的来临The fishermen were forewarned of the oncoming of the storm.渔民预先得到了暴风雨来临的警告。




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