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词汇 材料
例句 A pile of fencing lay about the yard.一堆栅栏材料摊放在场地上。They tried to prevent the inclusion of any offensive material.他们尽量避免收录任何冒犯他人的材料The material was archived as a public resource.这些材料作为公共资源存档了。Transfer the mixture to a heavy cooking pan and add all remaining ingredients.把混合物转到厚重的烧锅内,再将所有余下的材料加进去。Instead of using silicon, they have substituted a more flexible material.他们不用硅,而是代之以一种更有弹性的材料His object is to gather as great a diversity of material as possible.他的目标就是尽可能多地搜集各种材料The amount of force needed is inversely proportional to the rigidity of the material.所需要的力的大小与材料的硬度成反比。The teacher provided some different materials and left the children to experiment.老师提供了几种不同的材料让孩子们试验。This material is variously termed ash, clinker, cinders or slag.这种材料有多种叫法:灰、煤渣、炉渣或矿渣。We bought some new fencing for the back garden.我们买了些新材料,准备在后花园筑栅栏。He has thoroughly backgrounded himself on his boss.他已彻底掌握了老板的背景材料He denies sending sexist and offensive material over the Internet to female colleagues.他否认通过互联网向女同事发送具有性别歧视和令人反感的材料Any delay in delivery of materials will have a knock-on effect throughout the production process.延误生产材料运送会对整个生产过程产生连锁影响。If he used better materials, he wouldn't have so many callbacks.如果他用的是好一点的材料,就不会被召回那么多次了。Can you dig the material out of the archives?你能从档案中找出这份材料吗?The material will be processed into plastic pellets.这些材料将会被加工成塑料小球。The use of the correct materials was crucial.使用恰当的材料至关重要。The machines have to be made of durable materials.这种机器必须使用耐用的材料来制造。Copper is a conductive material.铜是导电性材料Materials are elevated to the top floor by a hoist.材料由起重机吊到顶楼。Marble was selected as the most suitable material for the worktops.大理石被选为操作台面的最佳材料She can do a lot with unpromising material.她能把没用的材料派上大用场。Workers cut deep scores in the road before laying the paving.铺设路面材料前,工人们在路面刻上深深的标记。He never understood how to organize or compress large masses of material.他从来就不懂如何对大篇的材料进行整理或精简。The materials will be provided, and everything is already cut to size.会提供材料,并且全部都已经剪成合适的尺寸。The company is compiling a dossier of evidence to back its allegations.该公司正在汇编一份证据材料,来支持其所提出的指控。The material is synthetic. 这种材料是人造的。Join the two edges of the material.材料两边连接起来。By using cheaper materials, the company has broken the terms of its contract.该公司使用较廉价的材料,违反了合同条款。This stuff was read off verbatim from the most confidential files.这份材料是从那绝密档案里逐字逐句看着抄录下来的。All material must be selected and presented without bias.所有材料都必须不带偏见地加以选择和呈现。We're seeking for alternative materials which might bring the cost down.我们正在寻找一种可以降低成本的替代材料This new biography contains a wealth of previously unpublished material.这部新传记包含大量以前未公开的材料The manufacturer loaded his product with inferior materials.制造商用低劣材料搀入产品。The teacher gave us two English dictations today.老师今天给我们听写了两份英语材料It's made of material that doesn't crease.它是由抗皱材料制成的。The material is cut and glued in place.材料剪好后贴在了适当的位置。These materials are recycled into other packaging products.这些材料被回收后制成其他包装产品。These materials don't come cheap.这些材料可不便宜。His lecture turned out to be full of unoriginal material and over-used examples.他的讲座原来尽是没有新意的材料和用得不能再用的例子。




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