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She described her agonizing ordeal.她描述了自己备受折磨的苦难经历。The pain moved to my elbow, and it became agonizing to even lift my arm.疼痛转移到了我的肘部,就连抬一下胳膊都痛得受不了。The agonizing wait was finally over.这种折磨人的等待终于结束了。She went through an agonizing few weeks waiting for the test results.检查结果出来前的几个星期里,她每天都提心吊胆,度日如年。We are faced with an agonizing choice/decision/dilemma.我们面临痛苦的选择/抉择/两难困境。The next morning, he woke with a most agonizing head.第二天早晨,他醒来头痛欲裂。He now faced an agonizing decision about his immediate future.他这时候面临着一个关系到他不久的将来的痛苦抉择。She made the agonizing decision to cancel the trip.她做出了取消此次旅行的痛苦决定。The family now faces an agonizing wait for news of their daughter's fate.一家人只得苦等女儿命运的消息。The accused faces an agonizing wait while the jury considers its verdict.陪审团作裁断期间,被告面临痛苦的等待。He faced an agonizing decision about his future.他面临着有关未来的艰难抉择。He watched helplessly as his mother died an agonizing death.他无助地看着母亲痛苦地死去。She was seized by agonizing cramps.她突然感到腹部难忍的绞痛。Others were wounded, agonizing for hours in silence so as to not betray their mission by revealing their presence.其他人则受了伤,在疼痛中默默忍受数小时,为的是不暴露自己,不泄露所执行的任务。After a lot of agonizing she decided to terminate the pregnancy.经历一番痛苦挣扎后,她决定终止妊娠。He was in agonizing pain.他正处于剧痛中。This is a torturous, agonizing way to kill someone.这是一种让人受尽折磨、极度痛苦的杀人方法。In the heat of Rome, the wait was agonizing.在罗马的高温下,等待是一种折磨。It was an agonizing choice to have to make.这是个不得不做的痛苦选择。His mother died an agonizing death.他母亲在痛苦的煎熬中死去。He did not wish to die the agonizing death of his mother and brother.他不想像母亲和兄弟那样痛苦地死去。Perhaps he was agonizing over the moral issues involved.也许他是在为牵扯其中的道德问题而忧心忡忡。I was faced with an agonizing dilemma.我面临着痛苦的两难困境。She only made the decision to apply for training after years of agonizing.多年的苦苦思索之后,她才作出了申请培训的决定。 |