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例句 He urged the administration and Congress to come up with a credible package to reduce the budget deficit.他敦促政府和国会出台一整套切实可行的方案,以缩减预算赤字。She dug around in the files hoping to come up with some newsworthy material.她在文件中四处翻,希望能找到些有新闻价值的资料。He's a great player. He always comes up with the goods on the day.他是一名优秀的球员,比赛总是能够不负所望。After failing to come up with an adequate explanation, Jones was arrested for robbery.琼斯对这次抢劫不能作出充分的解释,于是被拘捕了。He says if we don't come up with the dosh by Sunday, he's selling the car to someone else.他说要是到星期天我们还不拿钱去,他就把汽车卖给别人了。You chip away at the problem until somebody comes up with the right answer.你们要不断地琢磨这个问题直到有人得出正确答案为止。Several of the members have come up with suggestions of their own.有几位成员提出了自己的建议。See if you can come up with a better name for it.你看能不能给它想一个更好的名称。We explored every possible avenue, but still couldn't come up with a solution.我们研究了各个可能的途径,但还是想不出解决方法。I'd like to have a dig around in the archives and see if I come up with anything.我想去查查档案,看能否有所收获。We racked our brains but we couldn't come up with a solution.我们绞尽脑汁也想不出解决方法。Another team of scientists has come up with conflicting evidence.另一组科学家提出了相矛盾的证据。I couldn't come up with a witty retort.我想不出机智的话进行反驳。They've come up with a new advertising slogan for the product.他们给这个产品设计了一句新的广告标语。The minister criticized the police for failing to come up with any leads.部长批评警方未能找到任何线索。The company has come up with some new products that will run circles around the competition. 这家公司开发出的一些新产品,将会在竞争中脱颖而出。No one has come up with a definitive answer as to why this should be so.对于为什么应该是这样,还没有人想出最终确定的答案。Leaving/Putting aside the question of money for the moment, we need to come up with a workable schedule.现在先不谈钱的问题,我们得拿出一个可行的日程安排。No one has yet come up with an exit strategy for the troops.还没有人提出能使部队退出的策略。Our marketing people have come up with a great idea for the launch of the new model.我们的营销人员为新型号的上市想出了好点子。It took a lot of imagination to come up with such an ingenious plan.设计出如此巧妙的方案需有极大的想像力。The president was moved to come up with these suggestions after the hearings.听证会促使总统想出了这些建议。We weren't able to come up with any new suggestions.我们提不出任何新建议。Simon searched his mind but couldn't come up with the answer.西蒙绞尽脑汁但想不出答案。They stonewalled until they could come up with a response.他们拖延到了想出对策为止。The company will come up with a new technique for waterproofing walls.该公司将推出防止墙壁渗水的新技术。They managed to come up with a number of irrefutable arguments.他们成功地提出了一些无可辩驳的论点。The minister criticised the police for failing to come up with any leads.部长批评警方没能找到任何线索。You should use your own initiative to come up with a solution.你应该主动想出一个解决的办法。He urged the administration to come up with a credible package to reduce the budget deficit.他敦促政府出台一整套令人信服的方案,以缩减预算赤字。Unless someone comes up with a brainwave soon, I can't see how we can possibly get out of this mess.除非有人马上想出个好办法,否则的话我不知道我们怎样收拾这烂摊子。The deal requires more up-front cash than I can come up with.这笔交易需要的预付金我还拿不出来。Her lawyers have come up with new evidence that may prove her innocence.她的律师找到了一些可以证明她无罪的新证据。Congress could not come up with an agreement on a spending plan for next year.国会未能就明年的支出计划达成一致。Peggy has come up with this fantastic idea for a party.佩吉提出了这样一个异想天开的聚会计划。No one has yet come up with a definitive answer.尚未有人想出最终的答案。I realise that he hasn't come up with any new ideas, but by the same token we haven't needed any.我知道他没有想出什么新的点子,不过我们也并不需要。The government has come up with a half-baked scheme for training teachers on the job.政府制定了一些不成熟的教师在职培训计划。When the company's director failed to come up with the goods, he was out.那位公司董事未能达到要求,因此要离开。I defy you to come up with one major accomplishment of the current Prime Minister.我敢说你讲不出现任首相的哪怕一项重大成就。




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