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词汇 未来
例句 Pollution is threatening the future of the human race.污染正威胁着人类的未来The film depicts a futuristic society.电影描述了未来的社会。They had two very different visions for the company.他们对公司的未来有两种截然不同的看法。The book allows us to glimpse the future of the computer industry.这本书使我们对计算机行业的未来有了粗浅了解。We still can't talk about the future with any degree of confidence. 谈到未来我们仍然没有把握。The computers of tomorrow will be smaller and more powerful.未来的计算机体积更小,功能更强大。Be positive about your future.未来要乐观。She secured the zoo's future with a handsome bequest.她留下一笔可观的遗产,使动物园的未来有了保障。The President outlined his vision for the future.总统勾画了他对未来的设想。It's a legacy which will hang around the country's neck for some time to come.这个遗留问题在未来一段时间内仍将困扰这个国家。At the moment, he preferred not to think about the future.此时此刻,他宁愿不去想未来的事情。The company's prospects for the future are rather dim.该公司未来的发展前景不容乐观。The recent downturn in sales casts doubt on the company's future.近来销售量的下降令人对公司的未来产生疑虑。We must confront the future with optimism.我们必须乐观地面对未来Christian Democratic leaders are meeting to discuss their role in shaping the future of Europe.基督教民主党的领袖们正在会晤讨论他们在影响欧洲未来格局的过程中将要扮演的角色。The new year is a natural time to think ahead and make plans for the future.新年到来,自然是考虑未来、制定计划的时刻。Our future development will be achieved by organic growth rather than acquisitions of other companies.我们未来的发展要靠内生增长,而不是靠兼并其他公司。They share a sense of insecurity about the future.他们对未来都没有安全感。He claims that he can see into the future.他宣称能预见未来The long-term future of the country rests on how we teach our children.国家的长远未来取决于我们如何教育孩子。Her future could be more glorious even than her past.她的未来可能比她的过去还要辉煌。We have great expectations for his future.我们对他的未来充满期望。Analysts are expecting flat sales in the coming months.分析人士预计未来数月销售不景气。Your future is already neatly planned and charted.你的未来已经规划妥当。I want to make a good impression on my future in-laws.我想给未来的公婆/岳父母留下个好印象。There has been increasing speculation over the company's future.对于该企业的未来有越来越多的猜测。He'd been sitting in his room, pondering on his future.他一直坐在房间里,认真思考自己的未来As university campuses become increasingly multi-ethnic, they offer a glimpse of the conflicts society will face tomorrow.大学校园变得日益多种族化,通过校园可以对未来社会将要面对的诸多冲突有一个初步的认识。Winter produce will cost more for the next few weeks.未来几周,冬季农产品会更贵。The party's election pledge was to cut income taxes by a third over the next five years.该党的竞选承诺是在未来五年间削减三分之一的收入所得税。Because bitcoin is completely decentralized, no one is completely invested in the long-term success of the system.因为比特币是完全分散化控制,没有人对它的未来完全投入。As to our future plans, I think I need only say that the company intends to expand at a steady rate.至于我们未来的计划,我想我只需要说,公司打算稳步扩展。Not everyone is so pessimistic about the future.不是每个人都对未来如此悲观。When I first saw her play tennis I knew that she was a future Wimbledon champion in the making.我第一次看她打网球就知道她是一位未来的温布尔登冠军。The document discusses the assessment of future senior managers.文件讨论了对未来高级经理的评估。A contract signed now might be invalidated at some future date.现在签的协议在未来某一天可能会失效。This figures allowed for a future reduction in U.K. interest rates.这一数据考虑到了未来英国利率的下调。The company is facing a doubtful future.公司的未来还是未知数。We need more young scientists to fill the gap left by a wave of retirements expected over the next decade.我们需要更多年轻科学家来填补未来十年将出现的退休浪潮所带来的人才缺口。There may be some difficulties ahead.未来也许会有一些困难。




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