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This type of diet pill should be made unavailable to minors.这种减肥药不应向未成年的人出售。He has minor children living in the house.他家里住着未成年的孩子。He was prosecuted for having sex with a girl who was underage.他因和未成年少女发生性关系而被起诉。Today, we no longer gasp when we hear a teenage girl is pregnant or whisper about unmarried couples who live together.今天,我们听到未成年少女怀孕时不会再感到惊讶,也不会再去私下谈论谁谁未婚同居。Most cloned animals die at a premature age.大多数克隆动物未成年就死去。Many of these animals die before they are fully grown.这些动物有许多还未成年就死了。She claimed advertisers were targeting underage drinkers.她声称广告商以未成年饮酒者为目标。The legislation had resulted in more lenient treatment for child offenders.这项立法使未成年犯罪者得到更加宽大的处理。Such crimes are not uncommonly committed by minors.这样的犯罪行为在未成年中并不鲜见。Because she was under age, her parents were still responsible for her.因为她还未成年,她的父母仍然应为她负责。There are laws against underage sex and underage drinking.有禁止未成年性交和饮酒的法律规定。They were not allowed into the club because they were underage.他们因未成年没有被允许进入夜总会。The time has come for parents to butt out of the adolescent's daily life.到了让父母别再干预未成年子女日常生活的时候了。Parents have the custody of young children.父母监护未成年的子女。He was convicted of having unlawful sex with an underage girl.他被判定与一名未成年少女发生非法性行为。 |