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词汇 期盼
例句 His eyes gleamed in anticipation.他两眼闪着期盼的光芒。I would expect the factory to be working again as normal by next week.期盼着工厂到下周就能恢复正常运营。We await the next volume of this superb edition with keen anticipation.我们殷切期盼着这本精装版下一卷的面世。I was hoping for something different, but all I got was more of the same old thing.期盼着会有点变化,但结果却还是那老一套。We look forward to the day when there will be peace once more in this troubled land.我们期盼着和平重新回到这片动乱的土地上的那一天。Plum growers are expecting a bumper harvest this year.李树的种植者期盼着今年有个好收成。I remembered the curious expectant light in his eyes.我记得他眼中闪动着的好奇、期盼的光。He expects to be out of prison in next to no time.期盼着立即出狱。He knows he's wishing for the impossible.他清楚他在期盼一件不可能发生的事。Nothing can be done except to wait and hope.除了等待和期盼,我们什么也做不了。There is great anticipation over who the winners will be.大家都急切期盼着看谁会赢。After months of planning and anticipation, the Florida trip was kind of a letdown.虽经几个月的计划与期盼,这次佛罗里达之行却有点儿令人失望。I look forward to seeing this young tyro's next ballet.期盼着看到这位舞蹈新手的下一支芭蕾。We pray that both sides will continue to honour their commitment to the peace agreement.我们期盼双方继续履行对和平协定作出的承诺。The one thing I look forward to is going punting in Cambridge.期盼的一件事就是在剑桥乘坐平底船畅游。At this time of year, most people are pining for the return of spring.每年的这个时候,大多数人都期盼着春回大地。He's hoping for a promotion.期盼着升职。What is lacking is excitement about what the Party will do if it wins.所缺少的是对该党一旦获胜后将做何动作的热切期盼The latest news at least provides some basis for hope. 最新的消息至少给了我们有所期盼的理由。The firm's employees were expecting large bonuses.这家公司的员工期盼着丰厚的奖金。They are longing for home.他们期盼着回家。We look forward to the day when nuclear weapons will no longer exist.我们期盼着核武器不复存在的那一天。He is anxious about an upcoming event at his school.他焦急地期盼着即将在他的学校举行的一项活动。Jeremy shaded his aching eyes, and wished it would rain.杰里米遮着自己疼痛的眼睛,期盼天会下雨。The report cautions against over-optimistic expectations.报告警告人们不要有过分乐观的期盼We look forward to strengthening still further our already close co-operation with the police service.我们期盼着进一步加强和警方的合作,形成更加紧密的合作关系。I'm sure that if it came to the point, he would do what is expected of him.我肯定如果到了必要的时刻,他会做人们期盼他做的事情的。The reality of the cruise fell short of our expectations.乘邮轮游览的实际情况没有我们所期盼的那样好。When you really look forward to something it's often an anticlimax when it actually happens.期盼的事情一旦成真时,你却常常会感到并不如想象的那样令人兴奋。His many supporters are hoping and praying for success next week.他的许多支持者热切期盼着下周能获得成功。The captain requests the pleasure of your company at dinner tonight.上尉期盼您莅临今晚的宴会。That unpaid toil must be my lot and portion, without even the hope or expectation of anything better.我一定是命中注定要做那份无偿的苦工,我对境遇的改善甚至不抱有任何希望或期盼She hopes to be hearing the patter of tiny feet very soon.期盼着不久会有个小宝宝。He's wishing for the impossible.他在期盼不可能发生的事情。The announcement dashed hopes of an early end to the crisis.这一宣告使得人们期盼危机早日结束的希望落了空。He is a doctor and expects his son to follow in his footsteps.他是医生,期盼儿子继承他的事业。I am looking forward to a long and successful partnership with him.期盼着与他建立长期而富有成效的合作关系。The outcome of the appeal is awaited with interest.人们在期盼中等待着上诉的结果。She waited in eager anticipation for Robert to arrive.她急切地期盼着罗伯特到来。He was in a lather of anticipation.他焦急地期盼着。




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