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I am all agog to know how you did it.我渴望着了解这事你是怎么做成的。He watched, eyes agog with excitement.他用兴奋而期待的目光聚精会神注视着。The discovery set scientists agog.那一发现使科学家们瞠目结舌。She stared at him agog.她充满期待地盯着他。The city was agog with rumours last night that the two had been executed.那两人已被处决的传言昨晚搞得全城沸沸扬扬。The news has chemists agog.这个消息让化学家们兴奋不已。The city was agog with rumours last night that the two had been executed.昨晚,二人已遭处决的传言闹得全城沸沸扬扬。I've been agog all afternoon, waiting for the next part of your story.整个下午我都在兴奋地期待着,等你讲下一段故事。The town is agog over the plan.全镇居民对这一计划翘首以待。Her supporters were agog at the idea.她的支持者对这个想法很有兴趣。 |