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词汇 服从
例句 The children must learn to obey.孩子们必须学会服从He is the master, and as such must be obeyed.他是主人就得服从他。How can you subject her will to your own?你怎么可以要她服从你的意愿呢? She was all for rules and regulations, tradition and conformity.她完全赞成遵守规章制度、恪守传统、服从指挥。He's been taking his dog to obedience classes/school/training.他一直带他的狗去上服从训练课。With the proper conditioning, the horse will learn to trust and obey its handler.经过适当的条件反射训练,马就会信任和服从驯马师。He's one of the politicians that wouldn't toe the party line.他是不肯服从党的路线的几个政客之一。Obey your boss or you will be fired.服从你的上司,否则你会被解雇。Even the wildest horse can be broken to the rein.即使性子最烈的野马也能驯得服从缰绳的指挥。It was still Baker's duty to obey.贝克依然有义务服从The majority of people were obedient to the King, not questioning his government.大多数人民都服从国王,不怀疑他的统治。Most children have a disposition towards obedience.大部分儿童都有服从的倾向。He demanded obedience from his inferiors.他要求下级服从他。The little boy made no effort to obey.这小男孩不肯服从We are expected to obey his commands.我们要服从他的命令。We were told to obey our betters.吩咐我们要服从上司。The rank and file members will follow the injunction of the party leadership.普通成员将服从该党领导人下达的命令。This system calls for Supermen to control and Undermen to submit.这一制度需要有人上人控制,人下人服从Isabella had been taught unquestioning obedience.伊莎贝拉被要求无条件服从They obeyed me without question.他们毫无异议地服从我。You should never say no to the boss if you don't want to lose your job.如果你不想失去工作,就要服从上司。As a slave he was required to do his master's bidding without question.身为奴隶,他必须无条件服从奴隶主。Soldiers must always obey their commanding officer.军人必须永远服从指挥官的命令。All clergy owed obedience to their superior.所有神职人员都有服从长上的义务。We must obey his orders to the letter.我们必须不折不扣地服从他的命令。They command the respect and obedience of the armed forces.他们要求武装部队尊重上级,服从指挥。Alexander behaved with great meekness on his mission.亚历山大对自己的使命表现得十分服从The woman's needs are seen as subservient to the group interest.妇女的需求被认为要服从团体的利益。He complied without argument.他没有争辩就服从了。It's a good team - they listen to the coaching and they're unselfish with the ball.这是一支很好的球队一他们服从教练的安排,打球不抱私心。I had unwillingly complied with the order to shave my beard off.我不情愿地服从了命令,把胡子刮掉了。She won't obey me—I have no influence over her.她不会服从我,我没有支配她的力量。He expects me to bow down to him and do everything he tells me.他希望我服从他,对他俯首帖耳。All matters are subsidiary to Health and Safety.一切事情都服从健康与安全的需要。As long as you're living under our roof, you'll follow/obey our rules.只要你还在我们家中生活,你就得服从我们的规矩。His dog has learned to obey several commands.他的狗已经学会了服从几个指令。Will you kindly obey the instructions I am about to give?劳驾你服从我要给出的指令好不好?They obeyed him out of fear rather than respect.他们服从他是出于害怕而不是尊敬。Young children are expected to show obedience to their parents.小孩子应该服从父母。You've got to show your dog who's boss. When you say sit, he should sit.你一定要让你的狗学会服从。 你叫它蹲下,它就得蹲下。




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