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词汇 有道理
例句 The decline in sales only validated our concerns.销量下滑只能证明我们的担心是有道理的。He thinks, with reason, that I don't like him.有道理认为我不喜欢他。There's reason in what he says.他说的话有道理Doubtless he was justified in some of his criticism of the media.他对媒体的一些批评很可能是有道理的。He rightly contends that it is not true.他满有道理地宣称说,这是不确实的。The editors were right to refuse this article.编辑们不接受这篇文章是有道理的。As far as I'm concerned, feng shui doesn't work.在我看来,有关风水的说法根本就沒有道理Mathematically, it made sense.从数学的角度而言,这是有道理的。Their argument sounds plausible, but is it really valid?他们的论点听起来有道理,但确实有根据吗?She decided, with reason, to find somewhere else to live.她决定另找住处是有道理的。Only time will tell whether his optimism is justified.只有时间才能证明他的乐观是否有道理I know I don't always explain myself, but you must always do what I say. I have reasons.我知道我不喜欢多解释,可你必须按我说的去做。我是有道理的。The concept of saturation marketing makes perfect sense.饱和营销的概念是完全有道理的。Everyone thought the proposal made sense.每个人都认为这项提议有道理It seems that her forebodings were justified.看来她不祥的预感是有道理的。I know it sounds silly but I have my reasons, believe me.我知道这听起来很傻,但我是有道理的,相信我。The attack confirmed her worst fears about the neighborhood.袭击的发生证明她对街区最大的担忧是有道理的。Someone who could talk sense would get my vote, but most politicians don't.讲话有道理的人可以得到我的选票,可是大多数政客都讲不出有道理的话来。She has a point.她说得有道理There seems to be something in what he says.他说的话似乎有道理The French are on solid ground when they argue that competitiveness is no reason for devaluation.法国人认为不能以提高竞争力为由进行贬值,他们是有道理的。You're not seriously suggesting that is a plausible explanation?你不是真的想说那个解释有道理吧?That is true, but only up to a point.说得有道理,不过只限于某种程度上。He was justified in some of his condemnatory outbursts.他大声谴责,说的有些话还是有道理的。It is reasonable to suppose so.这样的看法是有道理的。It seems reasonable to suggest that all life forms on earth share a common origin.地球上所有的生命形式有着共同的起源,这种说法似乎有道理It is reasonable to assume watching a lot of television at an early age interferes with development.假设儿童年幼时看电视太多会影响发育是有道理的。Your plan is tenable and well-thought-out.你的计划有道理,是经过周密考虑而制订的。It's reasonable to assume that most prices will go up again.认为大多数商品价格会再上涨是有道理的。It made sense for Sam to live nearer the college.萨姆住到离学校近的地方是有道理的。His arguments seem to make sense.他的论点似乎有道理Your theory makes sense in one respect.你的理论在某个方面有道理It's good to hear someone finally talking sense on this issue.真不错,关于这个问题,终于有人说点有道理的话了。Your idea sounds reasonable.你的想法听起来有道理High petrol taxes are defensible on ecological grounds.从保护生态环境的角度来讲,征收高额汽油税是有道理的。If the guy complains, I'll find out whether he has a legitimate beef.如果那人发牢骚,我就要弄明白他的抱怨是不是有道理The qualification of his policy as conservative is justified.把他的政策称为保守主义是有道理的。It makes perfect sense.这非常有道理This is a perfectly valid question to raise.这个问题问得非常有道理The story was plausible but that didn't necessarily mean it was true.这个说法听起来有道理,却不一定意味着就是真的。




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