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词汇 有证据
例句 All the evidence backs up her story.有证据都证实了她所说的情况。They have evidence that will vindicate her.他们有证据,可以证明她是清白的。All the evidence indicates suicide.有证据都显示是自杀。These are serious allegations. Do you have any evidence to support them?这些指控非同小可,你有证据可以证明你的话吗?She'd need proof to bring Jason to justice.她需要有证据才能将贾森绳之以法。Evidently, these valleys were formed by glacial erosion.从现有证据来看,这些山谷是冰川侵蚀形成的。All the evidence points to a fatty diet being the main cause of heart disease in the West.有证据都表明高脂肪的饮食是西方国家引发心脏病的主要原因。The evidence all seems to point to one conclusion.有证据似乎都指向一个结论。All the evidence suggests that the problem has improved in recent years.有证据都显示该问题近年来已有改进。He claims he has evidence which could prove his innocence.他声称有证据可以证明自己无罪。All the evidence points to him as the murderer. 有证据都说明他是凶手。They tried to erase all evidence of his existence.他们企图销毁他仍活着的所有证据Although there was evidence against her, she walked free because of an illegal search by the police.尽管有证据指控她,但由于警方的一次非法搜查,她被无罪释放了。All evidence pointed to him as the murderer.有证据都指证他是凶手。All the evidence makes in the same direction.有证据都一边倒。The evidence all points in this direction.有证据都指向这个方向。There is now clear evidence that these chemicals are damaging the environment.有证据清楚地表明这些化学品正在破坏环境。When all the evidence is assembled, it will be clear that Michael is innocent.等所有证据收集齐,大家就会清楚迈克尔是无罪的。It could take months before evidence emerges on how the bomb was made, and who set it off.关于炸弹是如何制造的以及是谁引爆的,可能需要几个月时间才会有证据浮出水面。Someone had removed all the evidence. Thus, it was now impossible for the police to continue their investigation.有人已销毁了所有证据,因此,现在警方不可能继续调查了。She says she has evidence which repudiates the allegations.她说她有证据驳斥那些指控。Do you have any evidence to support these claims?有证据来支持这些主张吗?He refused to pass judgement until all the evidence was presented.在所有证据被呈上之前,他不肯作出评论。All the evidence pointed towards Blake as the murderer.有证据都表明布莱克是凶手。Until there is evidence to prove any of these claims, we cannot pass judgement.除非有证据来证实这些主张,否则我们不能作出判决。The sum of evidence points to the crime resting on them.有证据都表明该犯罪乃他们所为。Is there evidence to support his case?有证据作为他诉讼的依据吗? They rushed the burial through so no evidence would show up.他们仓促举行了葬礼,掩盖了所有证据




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