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词汇 有组织
例句 Troops in the Philippines have been put on full alert in anticipation of trouble during a planned general strike.因料到在有组织的大罢工期间可能会出现骚乱,菲律宾的军队已进入全面戒备状态。Tonight after supper we want to have a more organized discussion.晚上吃过晚饭后,我们想进行一次更有组织的讨论。They voted to withhold funds from any organization which didn't sign the agreement.他们投票赞成扣押未在协议上签字的所有组织的资金。The country has a well-organized consumer movement.该国有组织健全的消费者运动。Film-makers have often been accused of glamorizing organized crime.电影制作者常常被指责美化了有组织的犯罪。New laws have been passed to help the police in their fight against organized crime.已通过了几项新法律以帮助警察对付有组织的犯罪。Anti-war dissent erupted into organized demonstrations several times in the Johnson administration.约翰逊政府时期,反战呼声多次引发了有组织的示威游行。It wasn't really a riot; it was an organized protest.这实际上并不是暴乱;这是个有组织的抗议。Police officers from the organized crime division have raided businesses in central London.有组织犯罪调查处的警察已经突击搜查了位于伦敦中心的一些公司。Art theft is now part of organised crime.盗窃艺术品如今成为一种有组织的犯罪活动。Part I is a rant against organised religion.第一部分是对有组织宗教慷慨激昂的声讨。The government has shown complete/utter indifference to the struggles of organized labor.政府对有组织的工人抗争表现得一点也不关注。Our ability to combat organized crime has been aided by our partnership with local police.我们与地方警察合作,加强了打击有组织犯罪的能力。Spirituality is no longer regarded as the exclusive province of organized religion.灵性已不再被视为有组织的宗教的专属领域。Organised junior football was either restricted or logistically impossible to operate.有组织的少年足球要么受到限制,要么在管理安排上无法操作。Organized science had allied itself with big business and government.有组织的科学研究已经与大企业和政府联系起来。She has been involved in the war against organised crime.她参与了打击有组织犯罪的斗争。The organized opposition has been brutally repressed.有组织的反抗遭到了残暴镇压。The Party has ruthlessly crushed any sign of organised opposition.该党派无情地粉碎了任何有组织的反抗的苗头。One advantage of a bureaucratic organization is its ability to organize large tasks.官僚机构的一大优势是具有组织大型任务的能力。The business is a front for organized crime.这个企业为有组织犯罪提供掩护。Everything took place with dispatch and organization.一切事情都迅速而有组织地进行。The police knew all about his associations with organized crime.警方知道他与有组织犯罪的所有关联。The Tokyo police department is clamping down on organized crime.东京的警察部门正严厉打击有组织犯罪。International organized crime includes human trafficking, drug running and money laundering.国际间有组织犯罪包括贩卖人口,走私毒品和洗钱。The United Peace Alliance had only a tenuous connection with the organized Labour movement.联合和平协会和这个有组织的劳工运动只有微弱的联系。Modern electioneering is sophisticated and highly organised.现代的竞选活动很复杂,且非常有组织It's an open secret that organized crime has been financing films here for years.有组织的犯罪活动多年来一直为此地的电影业提供资金,这已是公开的秘密。The protest movement has evolved into a well-organized political party.抗议活动演变成了一个很有组织的政党。The college only admits visitors in organized groups.这所学院只允许有组织的团体访客进入。Sandra will deal with it. That woman has a genius for organization.桑德拉会处理这件事的。那女人很有组织天分。Organized groups of citizens are more successful at changing the government's mind.有组织的公民团体在让政府改变政策方面更为成功。Many organized criminals look on their illicit activities as business.很多有组织的犯罪分子把自己的违法活动看作正业。Thousands of American citizens have informed on these organized crime syndicates.数以千计的美国公民检举过这些有组织的犯罪团伙。Organized networks of thieves are stealing cattle.有组织的盗窃网络在偷牛。




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