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词汇 有益
例句 Using computers has a beneficial effect on children's learning.使用计算机对孩子们的学习有益It was a rewarding experience.那是一种有益的体验。Antibiotics may kill off beneficial bacteria.抗生素可能会杀死大量有益细菌。Canoeing is a good sport for men as it works the upper body and stomach.划独木舟是对男性有益的运动,因为它可以锻炼上身和腹部。To her, classical music is a tonic.对她来说,古典音乐有益身心。What are some of the positive things about your job?你工作中的哪些方面是积极有益的?Cooperation could be mutually profitable.合作可能对双方都有益Children benefit from stable relationships within the family unit.家庭内稳定的关系对孩子们有益The book includes helpful hints for inexperienced cooks.这本书为初出茅庐的厨师提供了有益的指点。In smaller nursing homes patients are subjected to little purposeful activity.在一些较小的私人疗养院里,病人做的有益身心的活动要少一些。His businesslike approach to the dispute was very helpful.他切合实际的解决争端的方式是十分有益的。He had a beneficial influence on the children.他对孩子们产生了有益的影响。It is most gratifying for me to know that my work has been useful.最令我欣慰的是知道我所做的工作是有益的。The mayor is gambling that the new policies will help rather than hurt the city.市长冒险推出这些新政策,赌的是它们将对城市有益而非有害。Adam raised the issue of multimedia and much useful discussion ensued.亚当提出了多媒体应用的问题,从而引发了许多有益的讨论。The accident was a salutary lesson; I'll never drink and drive again.这一事故是一个有益的教训;我再也不酒后开车了。It is doubtful whether this research is of any benefit to mankind.这项研究是否对人类有益值得怀疑。Once you start drinking too heavily, the beneficial effects of alcohol disappear.你一旦开始过度饮酒,酒的有益效果就不再有了。We have had meaningful negotiations and I believe we are very close to a deal.我们已进行了有益的磋商,我相信我们很快能成交。Juggling the daily demands of career and family is rewarding, but never easy.处理好事业和家庭的需求是有益的,但绝非易事。We need to educate people so that they understand the importance of a good, healthy diet.我们需要教育人们,让他们懂得有益、健康的饮食习惯的重要性。We have received many helpful comments from fellow-sufferers.我们收到了病友的很多有益意见。Children often choose high-fat fast foods in preference to fresh, healthy ones.儿童常常会选择高脂肪的快餐食品,而不是新鲜的、有益的食品。The accident should be a salutary lesson to be more careful.这次事故应该成为一个有益的教训:今后要更加小心。A weekend in the mountains was always a tonic for him.对他来说,在山区度周末总是有益身心。Cycling isn't only good for the environment - it's a great form of exercise too.骑自行车不仅对环境有益,而且也是一种极佳的锻炼方式。Hope is one of mankind's most enduring and rewarding attributes.抱有希望是人类最悠久、最有益的品质之一。I'm a great believer in healthy eating and exercise.我深信健康饮食和锻炼有益It might be worth your while to go to court and ask for the agreement to be changed.上法庭要求对协议进行改动也许对你有益The sea air will benefit you.海边的空气对你有益It would be better for the environment if more people used bikes rather than cars.如果更多的人骑自行车而不是开汽车,将会对环境有益一些。The new manager showed a healthy disrespect for formality.新经理表现出对繁文缛节的轻视,这是有益的。I've had several helpful suggestions from colleagues.我从同事那里得到了一些有益的建议。His expertise on defense will help the team.他的防守技术将对球队有益For Britain, Switzerland was a useful and friendly neutral.对英国而言,瑞士是个有益且友好的中立国。Everyone benefited from limiting their intake of tea to just three or four cups a day.每天只喝三四杯茶对身体有益He could always do something useful instead of wasting my time with footling queries.他总还可以找些有益的事情来做,而不是拿些愚蠢的问题来浪费我的时间。The idea that greens are good for you is a load of cobblers.青菜对人体有益的说法是一派胡言。Ecologists argue that the benefits of treating sewage with disinfectants are doubtful.生态学家认为用消毒剂处理污水是否有益值得怀疑。She offered us helpful suggestions.她给我们提供了一些有益的建议。




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