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词汇 有毒
例句 Toxic chemicals were spilled into the river.有毒化学品流入了河里。Beware - poisonous chemicals.小心——化学品有毒Some mushrooms look innocuous but are in fact poisonous.有些蘑菇貌似无害,但实际上有毒A new centre for research on toxic waste was inaugurated today at Imperial College.新建的有毒废物研究中心今天在皇家学院举行落成典礼。Toxic waste could endanger lives.有毒废弃物可能危害生命。Large parts of the Mediterranean are still polluted with toxic waste.地中海的大部分海域仍受到有毒废弃物的污染。Toxic chemicals continue to be dumped into the river.有毒化工品还在继续被倾倒进河里。The leaves of the plant are poisonous. 那种植物的叶子有毒Some mushrooms contain poison.有些蘑菇有毒She suffered a massive exposure to toxic chemicals.她大量接触到有毒化学物质。Until the Food Protection Bill became law, the ministry had no power to ban dangerous pesticides.要到《食品保护法案》被确立为法律,这个部门才有权力禁止使用有毒杀虫剂。Heavy industry pollutes our rivers with noxious chemicals.重工业产生的有毒化学品会污染我们的河流。Toxic chemicals may permeate the soil, threatening the environment.有毒化学品会渗入土壤,对环境构成威胁。The villagers drank from wells polluted with toxic chemicals.村民们喝的是受有毒化学品污染的井水。We are exposed to an overwhelming number of toxic contaminants every day in our air, water, and food.我们每天通过空气、水和食物接触数量惊人的有毒污染物。The factory dumped poisonous wastes into the river and killed off the fish.工厂把有毒的废料倒入河中,把鱼都杀死了。Toxic waste is being dumped into the ocean.有毒废弃物不断被倒进海里。The convention established procedures for the transport of toxic waste.这一公约规定了运输有毒废物的程序。Increasing tax on petrol would encourage people to drive smaller cars with fewer noxious emissions.提高汽油税会促使人们驾驶有毒废气排放量较少的小型汽车。The lake has become a dumping ground for toxic chemicals.这个湖成了倾斜有毒化学物品的地方。Some mushrooms are edible; some are poisonous.有些蘑菇可食用;有些则有毒In remote regions, the air is pure and the crops are free of poisonous insecticides.在偏远地区,空气很纯净,庄稼也不施用有毒的杀虫剂。The shelters are designed to resist heat and toxic fumes.这些掩体是用来抗热和抵挡有毒烟雾的。Much toxic waste had built up in his bloodstream.他的血液里聚集了很多有毒的废物。 When toxic fumes began to drift toward our homes, we were told to evacuate.有毒烟雾开始朝我们住宅区方向飘移时,我们被通知撤离。Cadmium is a toxic waste product of the electronics industry.镉是电子工业产生的一种有毒废物。Every day the environment is further degraded by toxic wastes.环境日益受到有毒废物的危害。Noxious chemicals are found in the river water.河水里发现了有毒化学物品。The government decided to prohibit the import of toxic waste.政府决定禁止有毒废品的进口。Toxic chemicals might be blasted into the atmosphere.有毒化学品可能被喷射进大气层中。Significant exposures to toxic compounds present unacceptable risks.大量接触有毒化合物会带来可怕的危险。The government is planning to tighten up regulations governing the transport of toxic waste.政府正计划收紧对运送有毒废弃物的监管条例。Oil spills are common, as is the dumping of toxic industrial wastes.溢油现象很常见,就像倾倒有毒工业废料一样。Nuclear weapons plants across the country are heavily contaminated with toxic wastes.全国的核武器工厂均受到了有毒废弃物的严重污染。Poisonous chemicals had got into the water supply.有毒化学物质已经进入了供水系统。Toxic waste could endanger lives and poison fish.有毒废物可能危及生命,毒死鱼类。The factory had accidentally released a quantity of toxic waste into the sea.这家工厂意外泄漏大量有毒废物到海中。At this heat, all the poisonous chemicals are changed into safe compounds.在这个温度下,有毒的化学物质全部转变为安全的化合物。Beware how you handle the toxic chemical.小心处理有毒的化学药品。Many poisonous animals have distinctive coloring that is easily recognized.许多有毒的动物颜色独特,易于识别。




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