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She lost the election, but she'll live to fight another day.她在竞选中失败了,但她仍准备着有朝一日再次出击。Did you ever think you'd see the day when he would apologize? 你曾想过有朝一日他会道歉吗?Leave your key with a neighbour in case you lock yourself out one day.给邻居留把钥匙,以防有朝一日把自己反锁在外面。I always held on to the belief that one day he would succeed.我始终相信他有朝一日会成功。They will swoop in one day and strip the place of every item of worth.有朝一日他们会突袭而入,把这里所有值钱的东西劫掠一空。That politician was not finished. He might come back some day.那个政治家并未完蛋,有朝一日他可能卷土重来。He dreamed of a day when his people would be free.他梦想着有朝一日他的人民能获得解放。He hopes to go to Egypt one day.他希望有朝一日能去埃及。I hope to cross paths with him again some day.我希望有朝一日与他再度相逢。I hope the sale of tobacco will be outlawed someday.我希望有朝一日烟草制品会禁止销售。No one realized that she was one day to become famous. 谁也没想到她有朝一日会成名。He took her left hand, hoping that it would someday bear a gold ring on the third finger.他捧起她的左手,希望这只手的中指有朝一日会戴上一枚金戒指。Someday you'll learn that money is not the most important thing in life.有朝一日你会明白,钱并不是生活中最重要的东西。Helen's wish is to visit Rome some day.海伦的愿望是有朝一日能去罗马游览。I think I'd like to direct some day.我想有朝一日我会当导演。Every football-crazy schoolboy in Europe dreams of one day being involved in the championships.在欧洲,每一个酷爱足球的男学生都梦想有朝一日能够参加锦标赛。Microfilms might even take over from the libraries one day.缩微胶卷甚至可能有朝一日取代图书馆。One day I'll be rich and famous, you'll see!有朝一日,我会家财万贯并名扬天下,你们等着瞧吧!Perhaps someday I'll be successful.也许有朝一日我会成功的。The beliefs which now hold sway may one day be rejected.现在占主导地位的信仰有朝一日可能会被摒弃。She believes that someday people will be able to vote at home on their computers.她相信有朝一日人们将可以在家里用电脑进行投票选举。Electric cars may one day supplant petrol-driven ones.电动汽车有朝一日可能会取代燃油汽车。I'd like to go and visit the States one day.有朝一日我要去美国看看。Some day we might get him to see sense.有朝一日我们或许会让他明白事理的。I'd like to go to Berlin again one day.我想有朝一日再去一次柏林。I'd love to visit Norway sometime.我想有朝一日能游览挪威。Someday you'll learn.有朝一日你会明白的。Someday our hopes will become crystallized.我们的愿望有朝一日会实现。This keen cook is collecting recipes with the aim of one day publishing them.这个热衷厨艺的厨师正在搜集菜谱,想着有朝一日能够出版。Humans may be able to live in the depths of the ocean some day.有朝一日人类也许能在海洋深处生活。He hopes to strike lucky one day.他希望有朝一日能交上好运。 Perhaps someday I'll be rich.说不一定有朝一日我会发财。 |