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I find your comments offensive.我认为你的意见带有攻击性。Ever been flamed?收到过带有攻击性的电子邮件吗?These fish are very aggressive.这些鱼非常具有攻击性。He goes into attack mode whenever his decisions are questioned.每当他的决定受到质疑时,他就变得很有攻击性。Several studies have shown that aggressive toys lead to bad behaviour.好几项研究表明,有攻击性的玩具会导致不良行为。Do violent programmes and video games really cause people to become more aggressive?暴力节目和电子游戏真的会让人变得更有攻击性吗?Men tend to be more aggressive than women.男性往往比女性更具有攻击性。The accused was found to have an offensive weapon concealed about his person.经发现被告身上藏有攻击性武器。 |