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词汇 come for
例句 I've been meaning to ask you if you want to come for a meal next week.我一直打算问问你,下个星期你要不要来吃饭。The time has come for me to speak out, and damn the consequences.到了我该说出来的时候了,管他有什么后果。I'm hoping you'll keep your promise to come for a long visit.我希望你遵守诺言来这儿多呆几天。Get your bicycle and come for a spin.把你的脚踏车拿来去兜一圈。The time has come for us to take a firm stand.我们选定立场的时候到了。I don't want to have to wait till kingdom come for you to make up your mind.我可不想无休止地等你下决心。Come visit us for a weekend or, better still, why don't you come for a whole week?周末来我们这里作客吧,或者,你来这里呆上一个星期不是更好吗?We feel that the time has come for a decision to be made.我们觉得是做出决定的时候了。He had just come for the fun of it.他来只是为了好玩。We thought she'd come for a visit, but it seems she's staying for good.我们以为她是来作客的,但看来她是永远不会走了。The time has come for Congress to pick up the gauntlet and do something about this problem.现在是国会接受挑战并着手处理这个问题的时候了。When things settle down here, I'll come for a visit.等这里的事情处理好,我会前去拜访。The time has come for parents to butt out of the adolescent's daily life.到了让父母别再干预未成年子女日常生活的时候了。The time has come for Hindus to stake out their claim to their own homeland.印度教徒对自己家园主张权利的时候到了。I'll send on any letters that come for you.我会把你的信都转给你的。More difficult times were yet to come for the unlawfully-born child.对这个私生子来说,更艰难的日子还在后头。Art Howe asked him to come for an interview for the coaching job, and the two men hit it off immediately.阿特·豪叫他来参加教练这份工作的面试,两人一拍即合。I've just come for the book your brother borrowed from me.我只是来取回你哥哥向我借的书。The moment had come for me to break the news to her.时候到了,我应该把这消息告诉她了。We have asked the Conrads to come for dinner on Friday evening.我们已邀请康拉德一家在星期五晚上来吃饭。I'd love to come for a visit, if you'll have me. 如果你欢迎的话,我很想去你家做客。The hour had come for us to leave.我们离开的时间到了。I'll come for you at about eight o'clock.我八点左右来接你。You'll have to wait until kingdom come for him to buy you a drink!你要是指望他买酒请你喝那你有得等了。When I mentioned what I had come for, he immediately offered to lend me help.我说明来意之后,他立即提出要帮我忙。The time has come for a change.是到了改变一下的时候了。The time has come for us to move on.我们是时候继续前行了。He supped a mouthful of coffee then told me that she couldn't come for nuts.他喝了一口咖啡,然后慢悠悠地对我说她压根儿就没来。The time has come for the obscurities in the Cabinet to show us what they're made of.内阁里那些名不见经传的人也是时候展示一下自己是什么样的人了。




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