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词汇 come down
例句 The governor has promised to come down hard on corrupt officials. 州长承诺要严惩贪官污吏。I can't wear this sweater - it almost comes down to my knees!这件毛衣我穿不了,它几乎到我膝盖了!High-definition television sets should come down in price over the next few years. 高清晰度电视机未来几年应该会降价。Does everything we do come down to the pleasure principle?我们做的一切都符合快乐原则吗?Everything depends on which side the judge comes down on.一切都取决于法官站在哪一边。Do that once more and I'll come down on you like a ton of bricks!你再干那种事,我会狠狠教训你的!Keep back, everyone! The tree may come down at any moment.大家往后退!这棵树随时都会倒下。When you come down to it, however, the basic problems of life have not changed.然而,归根结底,生活中一些基本的问题还是没有变。It's sad to see how he has come down in the world. 看到他变得穷困潦倒,真让人难过。Eventually our choice of hotel will come down to how much we can afford.我们最终选择哪家酒店归根结底取决于我们能付得起多少钱。The laws of physics dictate that what goes up must come down.物理定律决定了上升的物体一定会落下。Such things rarely come down on you.这种事很少会落到你头上。There have been threats to veto any legislation that comes down the pike.他们威胁说要否决任何新出台的立法提案。Maybe I can subrogate him to come down to take up the matter.也许我可以替他不顾脸面地处理这事。When we come down to brass tacks he hasn't enough backbone.我们讨论到实质问题时,他就不那么坚毅了。We have to use whatever methods we can; don't come down on us for that.我们得想尽一切方法,不要因此而指责我们。The authorities are threatening to come down more heavily on drink-driving offences.当局威胁说要更重地处罚酒后开车的司机。As you come down the street, my house will be on your/the left.沿这条街走,我家就在你的/街的左侧。This is a story that has come down from ancient times.这是古代流传下来的故事。I'm hoping the price will come down if I wait a while.我希望再等一会价格就会下降。What the problem comes down to is whether the consumer will be willing to pay more for a higher quality product.问题可归结为:消费者是否愿意花更多的钱购买更高质量的产品。Our choices come down to staying here or leaving here.我们的选择实际上就是留在这里还是离开这里两条道路。House prices have come down in recent months.最近几个月房价降下来了。I think that it comes down to the fact that people do feel very dependent on their automobile.我认为归根结底就是人们的确十分依赖汽车。Much of the success of a product comes down to presentation.一个产品的成功大部分可归结为包装。The election is going to come down to which candidate seems most trustworthy to the voters. 此次选举归根结底是要看哪位候选人最受选民信赖。Interest rates would come down as the recovery gathered pace.随着复苏的加速,利率会降下来。He had come down with the flu.他得了流感病倒了。After the euphoria of yesterday's celebrations, the country will come down to earth today.昨天兴高采烈的庆祝之后,今天这个国家将回到现实。He is the greatest boxer to come down the pike in years.他是多年来最杰出的拳击手。They tried for hours to get her to come down from the roof, but it was a no go.他们费了好几个小时的工夫想把她从房顶上弄下来,还是没成功。I have some old photographs that have come down through the family.我有一些家族传下来的老照片。I'll come down in a minute.我马上就下楼。Right. What I want now is two volunteers to come down to the front.好了,现在我需要两个自告奋勇的人到前面来。I never thought he would come down to begging.我怎么也想不到他会沦落到乞讨为生。He was on a real high all last week and he's only just come down.上周他兴奋异常,现在才平静了一点。What it comes down to is, there are bad people out there, and somebody has to deal with them.归根究底,就是有坏人存在,必须有人去对付他们。Computers haven't come down in price.电脑价格没有下降。Fancy her taking a job like that - she's certainly come down in the world!她竟然会去做那样的工作——她肯定是失势了!The election is next week, so you'll have to come down on one side of the fence or the other by then.下周就要选举了,因此你到时必须在两者中作出选择。




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