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The company won a prestigious contract for work on Europe's tallest building.这家公司拿到了建造欧洲最高楼这份极有分量的合同。The most substantial regional newspaper is Caribbean Contact.最有分量的地方性报纸是《加勒比电讯报》。Famous for playing dizzy blondes, this time she has been given a more meaty role.因扮演金发傻妞而出名的她这次得以出演一个更有分量的角色。He was unable to exert any appreciable influence upon them.他对他们不可能施加什么有分量的影响。Your promises would carry more weight if you didn't break them so often.要是你不那么经常言而无信,你的承诺可能更有分量些。A growing amount of evidence lends weight/credence/credibility to their theory. 不断增多的证据使他们的理论越来越有分量/可信/可靠。That argument no longer carries as much weight.那个论点已经不再那么有分量了。The labor union showed that it has teeth.工会显示出自己是有分量的。 |