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I realized I might be pregnant when I missed my period.月经没有按期来,我意识到我可能怀孕了。I was twelve years old when I started my periods.我十二岁月经初潮。She gets bad cramps every month.她每次月经腹部都绞痛得厉害。When did you last have a period?你上一次月经是什么时候来的?She often gets severe cramps during her period.她在月经来时常常腹绞痛。She'd missed a period and was worried.她的月经没按期来,让她很担心。Penny is two weeks late, maybe she is with child.彭妮月经过了两星期还未来,她可能怀孕了。She had a good deal of pain during menstruation.月经时她感到非常疼痛。 |