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词汇 月前
例句 Mr. Green changed jobs a month ago.格林先生一个月前换了职业。Her parents split up a few months ago.她的父母几个月前离婚了。The flat above me has lain empty since it was sold a few months ago.我楼上那套公寓自几个月前售出后就一直处于空置状态。Preparations for the president's visit had been made several months in advance.为总统访问而作的准备工作几个月前就开始了。Only a month earlier, Mr. Stenholm had declared for the tax cut.仅仅在一个月前,斯滕霍尔姆先生刚刚表示赞成减税。Those goods have been on order for almost a month.那些货差不多一个月前就定购了。Vicky put the house up for rent a month ago, but changed her mind the next day.一个月前维基把房子挂牌出租,但第二天却改变主意了。The war had ended only a month or so before.战争大约一个月前才刚刚结束。It was a good story a month ago, but the newspapers have really flogged it to death.一个月前这是个精彩的故事,但报纸上已经把它反反复复地谈得令人厌烦了。He broke up with his girlfriend a couple of months ago, and he still hasn't gotten over her.几个月前他与女友分手了,现在还依然忘不了她。The center was opened four months ago to serve the health needs of a low-income neighborhood.该中心于四个月前开业,为一个低收入社区的健康需求服务。Lucy's aunt died a few months ago.露西的姑妈几个月前去世了。We met three months ago and we'll meet again three months from now.我们三个月前见过面,三个月后将再次相见。The economy troughed six months ago and is now growing again.六个月前经济陷入低谷,现在又开始增长了。Three months ago, they joined up with another big company that sells arms.三个月前,他们和另一家出售武器的大公司联手。That virus she had two months ago really pulled her down - she still hasn't fully recovered.她两月前感染的病毒确实把她打倒了——她仍没有恢复。They moved from Burlington to Stowe about three months ago.他们大约三个月前从伯灵顿搬到斯托去了。Some months ago angry demonstrators mounted a noisy demonstration beneath his window. His neighbours thereupon insisted upon more security.几个月前,愤怒的示威者在他的窗下发起了闹哄哄的抗议活动,随后他的邻居们坚决要求加强安全防范。The meeting was a follow-up to that held a month ago.这次会议是一个月前会议的继续。He had clearly improved since the Ghanaian took him apart three months ago.自从三个月前他惨败给那个加纳人之后,技术已经有了明显提高。The province was attacked a month ago after weeks of simmering tension.在紧张局势连续数周恶化后,这个省于一个月前遭到了袭击。Davis joined the company as vice-president of sales nine months ago.九个月前,戴维斯加盟那家公司,任职销售副总裁。A few months ago I rang up about some housing problems.几个月前,我打电话问过一些住房的问题。Ten months ago he was just an also-ran for the Democratic nomination.十个月前他只是个竞争民主党候选人提名的失败者。I wrote to Donna several months ago, but she hasn't written back yet.我几个月前给唐娜写过信,但她还没有回信。The investigation was triggered several months ago.调查是几个月前开始的。The factory was given a comprehensive safety inspection three months ago.三个月前,那家工厂接受了全面的安全检查。I donated money to that charity a few months ago, and they're already hitting me up for more.我几个月前给那家慈善机构捐过钱,他们现在还要我再捐。I think it's stuffing up the forum with a fight that happened three months ago.我认为三个月前的一场争论正在使得这个论坛瘫痪。I began running about a month ago to improve my physical fitness.一个月前我开始跑步来提高体能。We should have foreseen the trouble months ago.我们几个月前就该预见到这一困难。Several months ago, McNair learned that he had cancer.几个月前麦克奈尔知道自己患了癌症。We told the police months ago, but they still haven't done anything about it.几个月前我们就告诉警方了,可他们至今对此未采取任何行动。It was five months since the battleship had last sortied from home waters.这艘战列舰最后一次从领海出击,已经是五个月前的事了。Preston was a victim of a mugging three months ago.普雷斯顿三个月前遭人行凶抢劫。She ran out on him two months ago, leaving him to take care of their two children.她在两个月前突然离开了他,把两个孩子丢给他一个人照顾。Until a few months ago few people outside the arcane world of contemporary music had heard of Gorecki.直至几个月前,在现代音乐神秘殿堂之外很少有人听说了戈莱斯基。




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