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例句 The Grand Fleet had finally met the German navy in battle and, it seemed at first, had got the worst of it.大舰队最终与德国海军交战,而且看起来一开始就输得很惨。At last he found a proper way to give expression to his gratitude.最终他找到了适当的方式表达了自己的感激之情。Morris has strongly criticized Paulson's writings but stops short of calling him a racist.莫里斯强烈批评保尔森的作品,但最终没有把他称作是种族主义者。In the end it was Pete who thought of a really ingenious solution to the problem.最终是皮特想出了一个很巧妙的解决问题的办法。High costs have finally driven a number of universities up against the wall.昂贵的费用最终把一些大学推上绝境。She traveled throughout Europe and eventually fetched up in Italy.她遍游欧洲各地,最终在意大利结束旅程。He didn't like his job to start with , but he got used to it eventually.他一开始并不喜欢自己的工作,但是最终习惯了。Douglas came to a sticky end fighting the Moors in Spain.道格拉斯最终落得个在西班牙与摩尔人交战的悲惨下场。It is the chief executive's opinion which is ultimately decisive.总裁的意见具有最终的决定作用。We couldn't find a buyer for our house, so we weren't able to move after all.我们的房子找不到买主,所以最终没法搬家。In any event, the bowling-alley restaurant proved quite acceptable.不管怎样,保龄球餐馆最终证明是很受欢迎的。Eventually they reached a pair of ornately carved doors.他们最终来到一扇雕刻精美的对开门前。He eventually became reconciled to his position in life.最终向自己的生活处境妥协了。He finally put his ideas on paper. 最终把想法写了下来。After Kathy lost her job, things went from bad to worse, and eventually she and Ed split up.凯茜失业后情况变得更糟,最终她和埃德分手了。His voice will be edited out of the final film.电影的最终版本会剪掉他的声音。Eventually the order came to evacuate and we made our way to the airport.最终我们接到了疏散的命令,前往机场。The new system could prove to be as bad as the old one was.新系统可能最终会被证明与旧系统一样糟糕。You know you're going to wind up in court over this.你要知道你这样最终得走上法庭。She's finally made up her mind that she wants to study Law.最终拿定了主意要学法律。There are many who believe that civil war will be the eventual outcome of the racial tension in the country.有很多人相信,该国种族关系的紧张最终将导致内战。As soon as I had made the final decision, I felt a lot more relaxed.我作了最终的决定之后,立刻感到轻松多了。After many rejections, her novel was finally accepted for publication.投稿多次被退回后,她的小说最终得以出版。Money is finally dribbling back into the country now.现在资金最终又一点一点地流回到这个国家了。Our last/previous stop was Bangkok, but our final destination is Tokyo.我们的上/前一站是曼谷,但最终目的地是东京。The work that the students do during the year will count towards their final grade.学生这一年的学业将被算作最终分数的一部分。The Senate came down in favor of the appointment of Judge Thomas to the US Supreme Court.参议院最终决定支持托马斯法官在美国联邦最高法院的任命。They were finally able to pinpoint the cause of the fire.他们最终查明了火灾的原因。He finally has a steady job.最终找到一份安稳的工作。Condensation will eventually cause the fabric of the building to rot away.冷凝作用将最终使建筑结构腐朽掉。The talks eventually broke down in late spring.会谈最终在春末破裂了。Anyway, the long and the short of it is that we got our money back in the end.不管怎样,重要的是我们最终拿回了自己的钱。Eventually, the army was forced to intervene.最终军队被迫介入。He may even perform a duet with the eventual winner.他甚至可能与最终的获胜者一起表演二重唱。She finally escaped from the tyranny of her father.最终逃离了父亲的专制。He finally secured employment in a local factory.最终在本地一家工厂找到了工作。What was it ultimately that led you to leave Sarajevo for Zagreb?最终是什么让你离开萨拉热窝前往萨格勒布的?Her health finally gave way.她的身体最终垮掉了。The central character is a bad man who shoots people and gets his comeuppance.主要人物是一个持枪杀人的坏蛋,最终恶贯满盈。Most US soldiers welcomed the ground assault when the order was finally given.命令最终下达后,大多数美军士兵都愿发动地面突击。




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