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词汇 最成功
例句 This latest book is the jewel in his crown.这本新书是他最成功的著作。This has been our most successful product by a long way.这已经成为我们绝对最成功的产品。The ones on the team who are most successful practice every day.球队中最成功的那些球员天天训练。Lawrence promised full commitment in his drive to make Santa Barbara College the most successful school in the region.劳伦斯承诺会尽全力让圣巴巴拉学院成为本地区最成功的大学。The best thing about the movie is its soundtrack.这部电影最成功的地方就是它的配乐。Eddie Murphy is one of the most successful stars in Hollywood.埃迪·墨菲是好莱坞最成功的影星之一。Our company is the best in the business.我们公司是业内最成功的一家。The album is a collection of the group's greatest hits. 这张专辑收录了该乐队最流行最成功的歌曲。Although this was one of his most successful films, it is not the best memorial to his talents.尽管这是他最成功的影片之一,但并不是他才华的最好见证。The president made a presentation to the businesswoman of the year.总统为本年度最成功的女实业家颁了奖。He was one of the most successful planters in the cotton kingdom.他是棉花种植领域最成功的大农场主之一。He owns several successful businesses but this company is the jewel in the crown. 他拥有数家成功的企业,但这家公司是最成功的。That company is one of this area's biggest success stories.那家公司是这个地区最成功的典范之一。The car has been General Motors' most visible success story, with sales far exceeding expectations.那种车是通用汽车公司有目共睹最成功的车型,销量远远超过预期。Jaffrii is now one of the richest and most successful men in the business world.贾弗里现在是商界最富有、最成功的人士之一。It was one of the President's most successful speeches.那是总统最成功的演说之一。There are plans to merge the two most successful TV channels.有计划将这两个最成功的电视频道合并。As one of Hollywood's most successful actors, he's now in a position to carefully pick and choose his roles.作为好莱坞最成功的演员之一,他现在可以精心挑选自己要演的角色。Our most successful product is based on a very simple idea.我们最成功的产品构思非常简单。She models for the world's most successful modeling agency.她在世界上最成功的一家模特儿经纪公司当模特儿。Eddie Murphy is one of Hollywood's most successful stars.埃迪·墨菲是好莱坞最成功的影星之一。It was the most successful opening of any British movie ever.那是所有英国影片中最成功的首映。They perform their greatest hit and a new favourite.他们表演了最成功的节目和他们新近最喜欢的一个节目。This has been one of the most successful desserts in my repertoire.这是我会做的甜点中做得最成功的一种。The English Patient was one of the most successful films ever made.《英国病人》是迄今拍摄的最成功的影片之一。




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