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词汇 combat
例句 The number of prisoners increased as a corollary of the government's determination to combat violent crime.作为政府决心打击暴力犯罪的自然结果,囚犯数量日益增加。Occasionally hospitalization is required to combat dehydration.有时候,治疗脱水也需要住院。To combat inflation, the government raised interest rates.为了抑制通货膨胀,政府提高了利率。Yesterday saw hand-to-hand combat in the city.昨天该市发生了肉搏战。The soldiers were wearing heavy combat gear and travelling in convoys.士兵们身穿重甲,坐在护送车队中。The troops were locked in hand-to-hand combat.部队陷入了肉搏战。Our platoon has yet to see combat.我们排还没有参加过战斗。He was out of combat for the duration.他整个期间都无法参加战斗。It was now not a sportive combat, but a war to the death.现在这已不是一场体育比赛式的竞斗,而是一场殊死的战争了。Girls were practising unarmed combat.姑娘们在练习徒手搏斗。The combat between good and evil will continue forever.善与恶的斗争将永远继续下去。These policies are designed to combat the effects of climate change.这些政策旨在应对气候变化的影响。Well, speaking as a journalist I'm dismayed by the amount of pressure there is for pictures of combat.嗯,作为一名新闻记者,拍摄战争场面的巨大压力让我深感不安。They were defeated in hand-to-hand combat.在肉搏战中他们被打败了。Governments must cooperate if they are to fight/combat international terrorism.要打击国际恐怖主义,各国政府必须合作。Many soldiers were wounded in combat.很多士兵在战斗中受了伤。The government has mobilized several of the army's top combat units.政府已调动了若干陆军精锐作战部队。The invading force was locked in fierce combat with the defenders.入侵部队与防御部队难解难分地鏖战。How can we combat this permanent tendency towards inflation?我们怎样才能与通货膨胀这一持久趋向作斗争? Some of these soldiers have never seen combat.这些士兵当中有一些还从未见过打仗。The mayor pledged to combat crime.市长承诺要遏制犯罪。We need a multinational strike force to combat drug trafficking.我们需要组建一支多国快速行动部队来打击毒品贩卖活动。The government is spending millions of dollars in its attempt to combat drug abuse.政府正斥资数百万美元打击滥用毒品的行为。I have to combat this constant desire to eat chocolate.我不得不克制自己老想吃巧克力的欲望。The fight against inflation took priority over measures to combat the deepening recession.抵制通货膨胀比抑制日益加剧的经济衰退更为重要。Her recent fall has put her hors de combat.她最近摔的一跤让她无法参与行动了。The police need more resources to combat organized crime.警方需要有更多的资源来对抗犯罪集团。Exercise can help combat the effects of stress.运动能够帮助减轻压力。There is just Keanu in mortal combat with the three men in black.只有基努一人在和三个黑衣人进行殊死战斗。The police are looking for more effective ways to combat drugs gangs in the city.警方在寻找更有效的方法对付该市的贩毒集团。Congress has criticised new government measures to combat crime.国会对政府打击犯罪的新举措提出了批评。Local traders are struggling to combat the menace of armed robbery.当地商人正竭力与持枪抢劫这一威胁作斗争。African nations last week joined forces to combat cholera.上周非洲国家通力合作抗击霍乱。He finds himself pitted in single combat with Ferdia, his fellow-student in the martial arts.他发现自己要和练武术的同学费尔迪亚一对一较量。Since then he has flown on combat missions and even done sentry duty.从那时起,他就执行作战飞行任务,甚至还放哨。He was wearing black combat trousers and a hooded fleece.他穿着黑色作战裤和带风帽的羊毛衣。Regular exercise helps to combat unwanted stress and is a good way of letting off steam.经常锻炼有助于减轻不必要的压力,也是宣泄情绪的好方法。The right vitamins help you combat fatigue.适当服用维生素能够帮你抵抗疲劳。He began to inkle what a silly combat weapon it is.他开始有点明白这是一种多么愚蠢的作战武器。We need fast and effective action to combat this problem.我们需要采取快速有效的行动来解决这个问题。




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