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词汇 替代
例句 Hard work is important, but it is no substitute for raw talent.勤奋很重要,但替代不了天赋。She always said that if a recipe calls for cream you shouldn't use yogurt instead.她总是说,如果食谱要求用奶油就不能用酸奶替代The game show was a midseason replacement for a show that was canceled.有一档节目在播出季中期被取消,由这档电视有奖竞赛节目替代There are alternative sources of nutrition to animal meat.存在替代肉类的其他营养来源。Desserts can be substituted by a portion of fresh fruit.可用一份新鲜的水果替代甜点。The writer emphasizes the contrast between conventional and alternative medicine.作者强调了常规医疗与替代医疗的差异。Finding a replacement is going to be a tall order.想找个替代的人很难。They were replacing experienced men with raw recruits.其时,他们正用有经验的人员替代新人。I had the privilege of sitting in for Kerby Anderson.我享有替代科比·安德森的优先权。The board has unanimously chosen Cole as Gray's temporary replacement.董事会一致推选科尔来临时替代格雷。Industry has been working at developing harmless substitutes for these gases.该行业一直在努力开发一些可以替代这些气体的无害物质。He used the Internet as a surrogate for contact with real people.他用因特网替代了与真人的交流接触。The new legislation enables young people to do a form of alternative service.新立法允许年轻人服某种形式的替代役。Bright-light therapy is used as a surrogate for sunshine.强光疗法用于替代太阳光。The committee has rejected our proposal. Instead, they have brought forward an alternative plan.该委员会已经否决了我们的提议,取而代之的是他们提出的一个替代计划。It is pitched as a cheaper alternative to other workstations.它被定为替代其他工作站较便宜的一个选择。Surfing and blogging on the Internet can become a substitute for real life.泡网和上网写博客有可能成为现实生活的一种替代I don't know how we'll ever replace Mary after she retires. She's really one of a kind.我不知道玛丽退休后我们如何找人替代她。像她这样的人实在是太少了。He used an inked thumbprint in lieu of signature.他用按手印替代签字。These expressions are often used interchangeably, but they do have different meanings.这些表达方式经常相互替代使用,但它们的含义确实有所不同。The republic's legislation enables young people to do a form of alternative service.共和国的法律允许年轻人服某种形式的替代役。If leeks are unavailable, use spring onions instead.如果没有韭葱,就用洋葱苗来替代Suburban shopping malls outplaced urban department stores in many cities.在许多城市,郊区的购物中心替代了城市的百货商店。Drug companies are trying to find an alternative drug, which will not have such serious side-effects.制药公司想找一种不会产生这么大的副作用的替代药品。Alternative medicine can cure many problems but not diseases like cancer.替代医药能够医治许多疾病,但无法医治像癌症那样的疾病。You can substitute generics for brand-name drugs on this health plan.按照这个医疗计划你可以用非专利药替代品牌药。Scientists are looking for new sources of fuel to replace our dependence on nonrenewable resources such as oil.科学家们正在寻找新能源以替代我们对石油等不可再生资源的依赖。Is there an alternative to traction for a broken leg?…对于腿部骨折有什么方法替代牵引治疗吗?Acupuncture may provide an alternative to painkillers.针刺疗法也许可以替代止痛药。Our engineers are highly skilled and very difficult to replace when they leave.我们的工程师技术纯熟,如果他们走了,很难找人来替代She served as a last-minute replacement for the woman originally selected.她在最后时刻替代了最初当选的那名妇女。The congregation has been looking for alternative premises for some time.一段时间以来,会众一直在寻找替代场所。Ms Green couldn't be here today, so I'm her stand-in.格林女士今天不能来了,所以我来临时替代她。He replaced the stolen carvings with less valuable pieces.他用价值较低的赝品来替代被盗的几件雕刻品。Carob is a healthy substitute for chocolate.角豆是可以替代巧克力的健康食品。His parents had tried both orthodox and alternate healers, with no luck.他的父母求助过正统医生和替代治疗师,但都没有起色。A decision was taken to prioritize investment in alternative energy supplies.已决定优先对待替代能源供应方面的投资。Alternative forms of energy are quickly gaining ground. 各种能源替代形式正快速发展。They still haven't replaced three of the managers who resigned.他们仍未找到人来替代那三名辞职的经理。Many of the workers have been replaced by machines.许多工人已经被机器替代了。




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